Chapter 22 New Companion

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Ivy got onto the train with her bags. She sat in a random compartment. Izzy was sitting with Percy in a separate compartment, leaving Ivy alone. She stared out the window as the train left the station. Someone entered the compartment.

"Hey. Can I sit here?" A tall boy with brown hair said.

"Uh sure." The boy sat across from her.

"Ivy Rose. Excellent quidditch player."

"Random boy. I don't know you."

"Oh you know me! I play quidditch! I'm the Hufflepuff captain! Cedric Diggory."

"Come again?"


"I'm joking. Of course I know you. You're my enemy after all. We've beat you many times."

"Hey! Higgs is really good. And so are all of your teammates." Ivy bursted out laughing.

"Higgs sucked!"

"That's mean.."

"Oh well." Ivy stared out the window, trying to avoid conversation.

"You're a 6th year right?"

"Yes. You're in 5th."

"Yeah.." The boy was trying to figure out how to keep talking to her. "So.."

"I'm going to take a nap."

"Don't wanna talk to me huh?"

"Not really."

"Oh.. I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault. I just don't feel like talking at the moment."

"Oh. Well have a good rest. I'll wake you up if we stop."

"Thank you." Ivy laid down on the seat and closed her eyes. The compartment door opened.

"Hey Ivy." She groaned. She sat up.

"Oliver. You're late."

"Yeah sorry. I couldn't find you." He sat next to her. "Hello Diggory."

"Hey." Oliver kissed Ivy's cheek.

"So you're having tryouts for the seeker position?"

"Mhm. Lucius Malfoy gave me a good offer."

"What is it?"

"Not telling."


"You're considering Lucius Malfoy's offer?" Cedric interrupted.


"He's a cruel man though."

"But he's rich."

"Ivy you're literally rich."

"Shh. Anyways I'm going to have tryouts next week. Hopefully I can find a good replacement."

"Well good luck Rose." Cedric said.

"Just call me Ivy."

"Alright Ivy."

"I'm going to take a nap now. Good night." Ivy laid down, putting her head on Oliver's lap. She dreamed of something odd. She was in the hallway at Hogwarts.

"How could you Ivy?"


"Save it! I can't believe you.. We're done."

"Oli wait!"

"Don't Oli me! It's Wood to you! You know what you did! I loved you and you betrayed me.. I knew you were bad for me." The boy walked away.


"Ivy wake up. Wake up!" Ivy opened her eyes. "We're almost here. Put on your robes."

"Thank you." Ivy got up. The train caused her to trip and fall. Cedric caught her. "Sorry."

"It's alright. Are you ok?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." Ivy went to the changing room with her clothes. She put on her robe and went back to the compartment. Ivy picked up her bag. The train stopped. Ivy, Oliver, and Cedric went into the packed hallway. Ivy was smushed in between the two boys. Everyone was pushing and shoving. Someone shoved Oliver which pushed Ivy onto Cedric. He caught her. "Sorry Cedric."

"It's alright." They finally got off the train. They made their way to the castle.

"I'm going to my dorm. I'll see you guys later?"

"I'll come with you. The Hufflepuff common room is by the kitchen which is in the dungeons."

"Ok. I'll see you later Oli?"

"Yeah. Good luck with the seeker thing."

"Thanks." Ivy and Cedric walked to the dungeons.

"So.. You ready for school?"

"Not really. I hate school. The only good part is that I can see my friends."

"True. I was wondering if you would like to hang out sometime?"

"Are you asking me out?"

"No! Of course not! I know you have a boyfriend. I was just wondering if you would like to hang out with me and some friends."

"Oh sorry. Uh that would be great. I'll let you know when I'm free. Anyways this is my stop."

"Great. Bye Ivy."

"Bye Ced." Ivy went inside the common room.

"Hey Ivy."

"Hello Izzy. Had fun snogging your boyfriend?" She blushed.

"I-I didn't snog him!"

"Yeah right. Come on. Let's unpack."

Chasing For Wood- A Oliver Wood x Oc FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now