Chapter 39 Rain

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Ivy sighed as she closed her book. She hated transfiguration and she couldn't believe that she had so much work already. Ivy put the book back on the shelf in the library.

'Maybe if I go to the pitch I would get more inspiration.' Ivy thought. She grabbed her notes and her book and went outside. She went to the quidditch stands and sat down. No one was there. Quidditch didn't start yet. Practice starts next week so why would anyone be here? Ivy read through her notes over and over again. A drop of water fell onto her the parchment. She looked up and saw more drops falling down.

"Shit.." Ivy put all her stuff in her bag and left the stadium. She was making her way to the castle when someone spotted her.

"Ivy? What are you doing out here?" Oliver ran to her and put his jacket over her head.

"I was studying until it started raining."

"Oh. Come inside. You'll get a cold if you stay out here longer."

"But it's cool out."


"Dance with me Oliver." Ivy threw her bag under a tree.

"You're crazy."


"Fine. Don't blame me if we get sick then." Ivy held his hand, putting her other hand on his shoulder. Oliver grabbed her waist and swayed with her. Ivy started humming. "If anyone saw us they would think we are crazy." Ivy giggled.

"Isn't it fun though? Twirl me." He twirled the girl. She looked so beautiful in the rain. Her pink rosy lips.. and her beautiful black, shiny hair. She was stunning.

"Ready for quidditch?"

"Mhm. We are going to win."

"Yeah sure.."

"You'll see. You big fat baby!"

"I'm not a baby. You are!" He tapped her nose with his finger.

"I'm not a baby!"

"Well you look like one. You're so tiny." Oliver picked up the girl. Ivy wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. "You weigh like one too." Ivy put her forehead to his.

"I hate you." Ivy leaned in and kissed him. Oliver kissed back, putting his hand on her head and pushing her in a little. The two broke away.

"Your hair is soaked. We should go back inside now." Oliver let her down.

"Alright." Ivy got her bag and the two went inside the castle. They looked like they went for a swim in the black lake. "Stop by my room whenever you can, alright?"

"Yeah. I'll stop by soon."

"Great. Bye Oli!" Ivy went to the dungeons and into the common room.

"Did you drown or something?" Flint asked.

"Shut up bitch." Ivy went to her room and put on some warm clothes. She casted a spell which dried her hair. Izzy wasn't here. She casted a silencing spell. Ivy began singing. She would never sing in front of someone unless she's singing with others. She thinks she's a bad singer. What she didn't know though was that Oliver was behind her, watching her.

"You're a great singer." Ivy turned around and her face became red.

"Get out!"

"Why? Is it because I heard you sing?" Ivy laid on her bed and hugged her pillow. "What's wrong?" Ivy felt the bed dip as he sat down on the edge.

"I don't like when people hear me sing.. I suck."

"What do you mean? You're amazing. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. You're an amazing singer."


"Yeah. You're awesome." Ivy hugged Oliver tightly.

"I love you."

"I love you too, baby. Do you wanna cuddle?"

"Mhm. I would like that."

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