6. Learning about Vampires

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Everyone was still sleeping but Sarah, so she went to the kitchen to go find some cookies to eat while everyone would wake up.

"Good morning!" Someone said.

"Good morning! Did I awake you?" She asked.


"Actually, I'm glad you're here while everyone is asleep. I know a bit about vampires but I feel that I don't know enough to be helpful to Cami. I mean, I know vampires drink blood, that you guys are super strong and fast and apparently you can turn it off but I'm not sure what it means... and that you need a daylight ring to be able to walk during the day and the wooden stakes are lethal... but I think that's not all and maybe you could help me. I mean, for what I heard you've struggled with being a vampire but you're now good at it."

"Are you sure that you wanna be alone with a former Ripper?"

"I know you're better now. Besides, if things like that bothered me, I wouldn't be living with vampires." Sarah said. "So, what do you say, Stefan?"

"I guess I can teach you a little more about this world

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"I guess I can teach you a little more about this world." Stefan said.

They walked over to the living room and sat on the couch.

"I guess I'll start in the beginning. To turn into a vampire, a human needs to have in their system vampire blood when they die. Then they wake up and within 24 hours they must drink human blood or they will die." Stefan explained.

"And blood? Is it just something to keep you alive or...?"

"Human blood heightens our abilities. It makes us strong, faster and able to heal quickly. Animal blood, won't do that, but it's alright when we are hungry." Stefan explained.

"Alright. And one thing I've been wondering is how much can a person change when they became a vampire?" Sarah asked.

"Well, we do maintain part of our personality, but is magnified just like all of our senses. But we do find ourselves not being complete humane because we feel everything in a bigger scale, which means we can also be violent." Stefan said. "But that doesn't mean a good person will become a violent person just because they turned."

Stefan kept explaining everything about vampires and the whole supernatural world as everyone started to wake up.


Damon and Camille were now walking down the stairs while talking about how Camille says she needs some hobby because she is tired of being almost every hour in that house.

"I have an idea. How about I teach you how to defend yourself. You're a newbie, you probably need some hints." Damon said with a smirk.

"I'm not that helpless. I have a black belt in karate." Camille said as they walked over to the fridge where there were blood bags.

"You get more and more interesting by the minute." Damon said with a smirk as she opened the blood bag.

"Maybe it was time for you to realize that even if I'm a new vampire, that doesn't mean I can't take care of myself." Camille said. "But I guess I'm up to see which tricks you have on your sleeve."

"Then it's agreed

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"Then it's agreed. This afternoon I'm going to train you." Damon said with a smirk and then they were interrupted by someone clearing their throat, making them see it was Caroline.

"Good morning, Cami! Damon, can I talk to you... now?" Caroline asked but her tone was in a demanding way.

"Sure." Damon said and Caroline took him to the library.

"What are you doing?" Caroline asked.

"What do you mean?"

"You know very well what I mean."

"Is this about Cami?" Damon asked. "I don't even see why you are so upset. You should be thanking me. This way your precious original hybrid get to spend more time with you."

"Damon, I'm serious. Cami just became a vampire. Everything is new to her. Her emotions are now in a higher scale. She needs people who support her and are her friends. She doesn't need a guy who is bored and is just looking for a hook up."

"Calm down, blondie. All I did was asking if she wanted me to train her." Damon said. "And you should be thanking me instead of lecturing me because even though you and Stefan took her to adopt a bunny, she still is tired of being stuck in this house."

"Damon, are you really just doing this to help? I don't want her to get hurt." Caroline said.

"You barely know her. Why do you care so much about her?"

"I don't know. I just do. She's a new vampire. The only family she has left is her cousin... She probably never even asked for this and... I just want to make sure she will be alright." Caroline said.

"She will be alright. But she won't be amazing if she will stay inside this house forever. She needs to go out every once in awhile. Part of being a vampire is to be free to do whatever you want to." Damon said.

"I know... I just... I don't want to overwhelm her." Caroline said. "I can't believe I'm saying this but... you are right. Camille deserves to spend some time outside, even if it's just training with you. And that can be helpful in case something happens."

"Although, you and Stefan only giving her animal blood won't help that much... We know very well animal blood just keeps you from being thirsty and makes you slower and weaker."

"The animal thing is just one of the first steps. Soon we will take her out but before we need to make sure she will be able to control herself."

"It's animal blood, Caroline. No vampire is obsessed with it. She needs to learn how to control is with human blood." Damon said.

"You're right... but maybe we just need some time." Caroline said.

"Yeah... Do you remember when Stefan tried to tell you that but all you wanted to do was being with the quarterback?"

"Yes, and one time I ended up biting him." Caroline said.

"Whatever. Just relax. I am only gonna teach her some fighting skills." Damon said.

AN: Hey guys! How have you been? Here's a new chapter, I hope you liked it. What are you thinking of the couples? What do you think of Damille and Sterah? What do you think of Sarah? She's an OC so I'm always worried that I make her like a Mary Sue and not good enough but I also don't want her to be perfect... If you wanna see something happen please tell me. I love to have your feedback and suggestions.

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