45. Wisdom Teeth

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Caleb was now talking with his brother Brandon because he was trying to gain courage to ask Davina out.

"I mean, I think the tension is there but maybe it's just in my head and I don't want to make things awkward."

"You have to try. Look at me, if I didn't I wouldn't be dating this awesome guy. And I am finally truly happy. All that I needed was to give it a shot. You need to do the same thing." Brandon said.

"You're right. I have to be confident and clear. Women like that." Caleb said and then sigh. "I guess I'll say... Davina, you are a beautiful woman and my life has not been the same since I met you... And it would mean the world to me if you would go on a date with me."

"Yes. That's great! Go before you forget it just like the time..."

"Are you gonna talk about the tamagotchis again?"


"To be fair, you left me with 6 of them. Taking care of them is like a full-time job."

"They were adult tamagotchis in perfect health!"

"It's been years and you still can't get over that? Good luck to Josh." Caleb said and left, then went to where Davina was living and knock on the door to ask her out.

"Oh! Hey, Caleb!" Davina said as she opened the door, while she had only a towel wrapped around her because she just had gotten out of the shower, making Caleb smile nervously.

"Davina. Great D! Miss G! My great companion! So... food?"

"You want to get food later?" Davina asked confused and Caleb just gave thumbs up because he couldn't find the words for how nervous he was. "Cool! I'm now going to get dress. See you later."


Sarah had to take out her wisdom teeth so she was very high and had asked Stefan to take her home because Camille was working and she didn't want to bother her cousin.

Stefan was now taking her to the apartment she shared with her cousin, making sure she was going to be okay.

"Stefan. I'm hungry! I'm so hungry I would win if we played hungry hungry hippos. That's a fun game I haven't played in forever." Sarah said.

"I can't feed you right now, Sarah

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"I can't feed you right now, Sarah."

"Would you make me a lasagna, Stefan. I promise I won't tell the dentist."

"Or maybe you could just have some rest." Stefan suggested.

"You are a beautiful white man, Stefan Salvatore. Just look at your hair... It's perfect!" Sarah said in awe.

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