Chapter 2

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Nicole pulls Waverly's trusty red jeep into the driveway of an old wooden house on Angel's Avenue. The building is painted white and light blue, and is surrounded by a white picket fence.

As they come to a stop, Waverly once again claps her hands together and squeals in excitement. "I'm so excited baby! I have a really good feeling about this one." she says.

Nicole smiles at the tiny brunette, dimples on full display and eyes sparkling with her wife's contagious joy.

"Baby, I can't wait to see the place that has you this excited!" She says as she takes her wife's hand and gives it a tender kiss. Waverly blushes and smiles. She marvels at how the redhead could still affect her this way, with only a simple gesture. Regaining her composure, she tells Nicole "Let's go babe, the agent is waiting for us."

The couple exit the jeep, Nicole making sure to take Waverly's hand as they head towards the front porch.

The agent straightens out some invisible crease on her white blouse and gives them a warm smile as they approach. "Good morning! You must be Nicole and Waverly. Welcome, I look forward to showing you the house. I am Angela by the way. Please follow me." She tells them.

Waverly practically buzzes in anticipation as she falls in step behind Angela. Nicole just laughs as her wife playfully drags her along.

As they enter the home, the agent starts giving them some history on the building. "This house was built in 1975 and was owned by the same family for generations. It was only recently put on the market for the first time, after the previous owner unfortunately passed away." She tells them.

"Wow, that is quite interesting. It's rare these days to find such an old house still standing in Purgatory, never mind that it was still occupied by a member of the same family that built it." Waverly says, in awe.

Nicole murmurs softly "It reminds you of the homestead in that way, doesn't it?"

Waverly nods and squeezes the hand holding hers. Her wife knows her mind too well.

"It is a lovely two-story home, with two bedrooms, an open plan kitchen, dining room and living area. The bedrooms are upstairs. You guys are welcome to walk around and have a look. I will be outside if you need anything." Angela says with another warm smile as she proceeds towards the front door, leaving the two Haughts to explore on their own.

Waverly looks at Nicole, hazel meeting warm brown, as she asks "Baby, what do you think?"

Nicole's eyes move around the room, lighting up as they settle on something. Intrigued, Waverly follows her gaze, finding it aimed at the stairs. "Well babe, it has got some very nice stairs. I'm sold." She tells the brunette with a smirk on her face, causing Waverly to blush again.

The tiny brunette playfully punches her wife's arm saying "Nicole! I'm being serious." Then she pauses, turns her head to the side and taps her finger to her chin as she walks toward the stairs in question. Once she reaches them, she runs her hands over the wood and turns back to her wife. Her own face is now sporting a smirk. "Although, I must agree Mrs Haught, these stairs do appear to be in excellent condition, perfect for various activities." she practically purrs.

Nicole's face turns a deep crimson and she visibly gulps in response to her wife's words, smirk long gone.

Waverly then starts to giggle, walks toward the redhead and kisses her cheek softly. She is very pleased to find that she can also reduce her wife to a blushing mess with a simple gesture.

Regaining her composure for the most part, Nicole finally replies with "Waves, this house is absolutely beautiful. I love the old wooden style it has. I love that you love it. I love you in it. I love you."

Comparing Waverly's responding smile to the brightness of the sun would have been a euphemism. She jumps into Nicole's arms with another joyful squeal followed by a shout of "Yay! I am so glad you like it!" Nicole laughs in response to her wife's joy. She the proceeds to pick up the tiny brunette and spins her around, pulling forth a loud succession of giggles from them both. If it could talk, the house would probably say that it rather enjoyed the feeling of the couple's joy resonating through its walls.

When they finally calm down enough to talk like normal people again, Waverly tells Nicole "You know baby, when I was little, I used to walk past this house every day on my way home from school. It always looked so much brighter than the rest of the houses on the street. Almost as if it was a beacon of hope amongst a sea of buildings that would only ever house hopelessness.

Nicole gives Waverly a soft look, her eyes full of wonder at her wife's ability to always see the magic in an otherwise chaotic world.

"Let's go look at the bedrooms now!" Waverly commands playfully as she practically drags her wife up the stairs. Ironically, she would never really need to even ask. Nicole would follow her anywhere.

They proceed to look through the whole house and end up back downstairs where they began, with Waverly leaning against the kitchen counter.

Nicole walks over to the brunette, hugging her from behind and says "Babe, I can really see us making breakfast in this kitchen every morning."

Waverly smiles, turns in the redhead's arms and kisses her softly

"I think we finally found our home." she says with another blinding smile.

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