Chapter 17

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Wynonna walks to the kitchen and sinks into the nearest chair with a heavy sigh. Doc and Nina stand on the other side of the room, looking at her with raised eyebrows.

"I know that look. It's your 'I need Whiskey' look." Doc says as a matter of fact, he knows all Wynonna's tell-tale signs by now. Wynonna just remains silent, watching as Nina moves towards one of the kitchen cupboards. She opens it and takes out a bottle of Whiskey, to the Earp's delight.

Nina walks over to Wynonna, places the bottle down in front of the brunette and nods in encouragement with a small smile. It's like she knows me. Wynonna muses with a smile as she picks up the bottle without a second thought, opens it and takes a swig.

Nina and Doc watch her curiously, having no idea what caused this sudden mood change in the brunette. Doc hasn't seen Wynonna like this since she was strolling in the woods with a bottle after the whole situation with the Clantons.

After another swig directly from the bottle, Wynonna takes a deep breath and finally breaks the questioning silence.

"Waverly called." She says per explanation.

Doc looks at her in confusion as Waverly calls Wynonna every day to find out how the trip is going or just to talk about their respective days. It's not an unusual occurrence at all, especially not something that would drive Wynonna to drink. At least not until after she broke up with that Champ fella, as Wynonna had told him once.

Nina on the other hand, tenses. She remembers that Wynonna said she would talk to Waverly abouteverything. Doc is the first one to speak, however.

"She calls every day, Wynonna. Why would that cause you to suddenly consume the drink reserved for when you feel like you have disappointed everyone or for when you are just feeling mightyanxious about something?" The cowboy asks.

"No, no, you don't understand." Wynonna says dropping her head on her hand. "She called Nina... she called on the house phone."

At this, both Nina and Doc's jaws drop in shock. That was the very last thing they expected Wynonna to say.

"Wha..what do you mean she called me? That she called here?" Nina asks, trying to put it all together. How did she get my number? Does she know about me? Does she know about Junior? Nina's head races with these questions when she is pulled from her thoughts by Wynonna's voice. The brunette speaks again, lifting her head from her hands and picking up the bottle again.

"She said that she and Nicole found a house. There was a Will on the house and something aboutfamily outside Purgatory and blah blah, you know I don't listen well. But she got your number from the bank or something."

"The Angelea property..." Nina says under her breath, but Doc and Wynonna hears it.

"What? Do you know the house she's talking about?" Wynonna asks as she gets up from the chair and walks towards Nina.

Still deep in thought, Nina realises that she had said the words out loud. She takes a seat in the chair closest to her and look up at Doc and Wynonna. "Yes.. it's the family land in Purgatory. It's been in the family for decades; the property is only allowed to be sold or left to blood relatives. If none are interested, the property should be demolished and the land blessed by the local priest before it can be sold outside of the Angelea family."

"Okay, so how does Waverly fit into all of this?" Wynonna asks.

"Angie must have put Waverly in the Will, as one of the only blood relatives still residing in Purgatory. Which gives her rights to purchase the property." Nina says, she herself also trying to process everything.

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