Chapter 7

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As they drive down the old town road, Doc contemplates putting Adele back on to break the silence that has fallen over the car. Remembering Wynonna's previous comments on his taste of music, he decides against it. Taking a quick glance over his shoulder, he sees Junior laying fast asleep on the back seat.

"Wynonna, do you think we did the right thing giving this young man a ride? Will his parents not be worried for his safety and well-being?" He askes the brunette, who has her head propped against the window. Upon hearing the cowboy's question, she turns her gaze away from the natural landscape to look over at him.

"Doc, do you know how many times I thought about running away as a kid? I actually did a few times." Wynonna says softly with a thoughtful look on her face. "We don't know what's going on in his life and what caused him to run away. What I do know is that he deserves someone to help him find his way." Doc looks at Wynonna curiously. This is a side of her he has never seen before, and he finds that he is very much impressed by it.

Upon seeing the cowboy's expression, Wynonna quickly says "I'm not saying it will be us, but the least we can do is give him a ride." Doc nods his head in agreement, trying to convince himself as well.

"The young feller mentioned he was hungry, do you think we should stop and get something to sate his appetite? I am not sure when last he has had food." Doc says thoughtfully as he smooths down his moustache with his free hand. His words cause Wynonna to sit up from her slouched position against the window. She hits the very unsuspecting cowboy in the side with her elbow. Doc grunts in response, dumbfounded at her action.

"Why didn't you say anything earlier! Of course we need to get him something to eat. Do you have any idea what hunger pains feel like, you sexy immortal idiot of a man! Very frustrated with Doc, Wynonna pulls out her phone. "I will check on Google maps where the next stop is."

Doc is still confused about what he did wrong, but responds to her question regardless. "Well I grew up in a time where famine was a common occurrence, and I am a vampire. So, Yes. I do indeed know the feeling of hunger pains." A fang popping out to prove his point. Wynonna rolls her eyes but softens nonetheless. "Yeah, okay. I take back what I said, sorry Edward Cullen." Doc just looks at her with confusion, Who the hell is this Edward Cullen? Bet my moustache is bigger than his, He thinks to himself.

"Stupid technology!" Wynonna mutters as she hits her phone against the dash, trying to get it to work. Doc flinches at the action and silently apologizes to Charlene for the pain.

"There is no signal out here. Will you please keep a lookout for any rest stop signs next to the road?" A very frustrated Wynonna instructs the gunslinger.

"I will do so." Doc replies, and then mutters "I do believe we might need to sate your appetite as well.", under his breath

"What did you say?" Wynonna responds with her eyes narrowed, appearing very annoyed.

Not wanting to arouse her ire further, Doc quickly says "I was just saying, that I believe your current short temper might be the result of you experiencing the same hunger as the boy?" The Doc says, it sounds more like a question than a statement.

At his words Wynonna's facial expression becomes thoughtful "Hmmm, I can do with some Buffalo blue cheese combos right about now." Still deep in thought about her food cravings, she notices a faded sign on the side of the road. "Doc, look! A rest stop 5 miles ahead."

"Excellent. I do believe Charlene requires some satiating of her own." Doc says as he runs his hand affectionately over the dash of his car.


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