Chapter 8

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Standing on the front porch of their new home, Waverly and Nicole both wear their biggest smiles, synchronized dimples and mooneyes fully on display. To anyone else, the two Haughts might look like relatives of the Joker with the extent to which their smiles are stretched across their features. However, not even Batman could defeat their level of joy at this moment.

Nicole intertwines their fingers; Waverly gives a squeeze in return. This was it. The entrance to their new home, to their forever life together. So many wonderful possibilities await through the door. First to be pulled from their daydream state, Nicole unlocks the front door. The sound of the lock clicking finally draws Waverly back to the present too. The excited brunette enthusiastically moves to enter, but she doesn't get very far. A strong, yet gentle tug on her wrist keeps her in place. She is held back by the woman who holds every part of her.

"Baby wait." Nicole instructs her with her dimpled smile. Then, without warning, picks Waverly up bridal style and walks them over the threshold. She is rewarded for her charming gesture by angelic giggles. "Welcome home, sweetheart." The redhead says, brown eyes alight with love and pride. She looks at Waverly as if she has been waiting her whole life for this moment. The breath leaves Waverly's lungs at the intensity of Nicole's gaze, and she responds in the only way one can when unable to form words. She kisses her deeply, truly. "I love you, Nicole. This is our house, and I am so glad that I get to share it with the person who is my home."

Nicole's brown eyes flickers in awe, Waverly's words leaving her speechless again. She recovers and smiles her warmest smile. "I love you too, Waves." They are still the truest words she will ever speak.

The redhead reluctantly puts down her wife and the duo take in their new home. A joyful squeal leaves Waverly's lips, depicting her excitement. "This place is so beautiful! It feels like a fairy tale dream come true." Waverly says as her eyes move over every visible nook and cranny of the house. Now you know how I felt that day on Nedley's couch, Nicole thinks to herself with a smile. The redhead's eyes are more focussed on the ecstatic woman she has the privilege of calling her wife than the house.

Unaware of the Nicole's musings, Waverly starts moving around the living room. "Oooh baby, don't you think our leopard print couch would look lovely over here?" Quickly moving to another part of the room, "And we can put my fluffy carpet right here." She does this in various other parts of the room, her enthusiasm causing the redhead to laugh in adoration.

"Yes baby, it would look absolutely beautiful." Nicole agrees with a smile as she walks over to Waverly.

"We should go shopping! What colour curtains do you think we should get?" The brunette continues, deep in thought and already having planned out the whole layout in her mind.

Nicole grabs the unsuspecting Waverly from behind, causing the brunette to let out a surprised shriek followed by a giggle. Snaking her arms around her wife's waist, Nicole pulls Waverly close and rests her head on the brunette's shoulder. "You are absolutely adorable when you are in planning mode." she says, nuzzling Waverly's neck. "But how about we first finish packing and get all our furniture over here. Then we can decide on curtains and all the other wonderful additions you want to make, okay?" she suggests. Seeing the sense in the redhead's words, Waverly give the arms holding her a squeeze and turn her head to give Nicole a kiss on the cheek, replying with "Okay, babe."

As Nicole lets her go, Waverly moves towards the stairs. "I'm going to have a look around upstairs."

"Okay baby, I'll be here. I have few calls to make" Nicole says as pulls out her phone

Waverly aimlessly wonders around upstairs, thinking about the various colours she can bring into the rooms and corridors when something catches her eye. An old desk built into the wall beneath the window of a room she imagines was a study. This is strangely beautiful, she thinks to herself. I can write here, with the morning sun shining through the window, she muses with a smile. The house seems to provide endless daydream material.

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