Chapter 18

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As she sits next to Waverly on the floor of their new living room, Nicole can't help but smile at the sound of her wife's rambling. The tiny brunette is practically glowing with excitement as she explains everything she had discovered about portals; how she had first learned of this ability wielded by angels, the amount of power it takes to create one and all the possibilities if one is able to master the skill. Waverly is in her element, deep in research. Nicole is in her own element, adoring every facet of her wife's beautiful soul.

Waverly suddenly stops her rambling mid-sentence, and looks up into her wife's brown eyes. Brown eyes that glow with adoration for her and a matching bright smile on her face.

"You are absolutely beautiful." Nicole says, as if she was reading a fact from an encyclopedia. Waverly looks u at her with a sheepish smile, realising she has been rambling since the redhead arrived.

"I'm sorry baby! I've been rambling again. I didn't even ask you how work w-" Waverly is cut off by Nicole's lips against hers. The action catches her off-guard, but she quickly recovers and returns the kiss enthusiastically.

"Shh baby. You know I love it when you go into full nerd mode." Nicole breaths out, lips still brushing against Waverly's. "You even put the glasses know what they do to me." Nicole adds with a smirk as she reconnects their lips in a soft, but passionate kiss.

Waverly relaxes into the kiss, returning it with just as much passion. When they finally break apart for some much needed air, she whispers softly "Oh really..." Then she shifts her body to straddle Nicole's lap. "You mean these glasses." Waverly says as she wiggles her nose and points to the glasses with a smirk on her face.

Nicole's hands automatically go to Waverly's hips, "Uh huh, those glasses." The redhead says nodding her head as she bites her bottom lip, her eyes darting to Waverly's lips and back to her hazels hidden behind the sexy glasses.

Waverly giggles and leans down to reconnect their lips in a messy kiss, her hands tangling in Nicole's hair as she pulls her deeper into the kiss. Nicole's hands slip under the hem of Waverly's shirt as she softly rubs the skin above her hips. Their heated actions is rudely interrupted by the sound of Waverly's ringtone.

Nicole lets out a growl as she sees Wynonna's name flashing on the screen. "Wynonna interruptus strikes again. I swear she has a sixth sense for this."

Waverly laughs at her wife's comment, knowing the truth in them. But her nerves kick in again as she remembers why Wynonna is calling. She spoke to Nina and she's calling back like she promised she would.

Waverly moves to get off Nicole's lap and picks up her phone. Nicole sees Waverly's face change and immediately sits up to take her wife's empty hand, placing a soft kiss to her knuckles. It's her way of saying I'm here, I've got you, you're not alone in this. She emphasizes this with a soft, encouraging smile in her wife direction as Waverly answers the phone.

"Hey, Nonna." The phone call isn't as long as the previous one. But Nicole can tell, by the glow of joy and excitement flashing across Waverly's face throughout the conversation, that it's good news.

The redhead lets out a breath she didn't realise she was holding. She was worried, she didn't want Waverly to go through yet another abandonment. Ever since they found out that Waverly has family outside Purgatory, Nicole decided that she will support the brunette through everything and stand by her. There was still this little voice in her head telling her that maybe this wasn't such a good idea. There were so many what ifs. What she was certain of, however, was that she would be there for her wife no matter the outcome.

When Waverly finally puts down the phone, she remains quite for a while. She curls her body into Nicole's lap, letting her head rest in the crook of Nicole's neck.

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