Chapter 4

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"Hey, Mrs Haught! Waves!" Nicole calls to her wife from the Homestead living room. Hearing no sound of recognition, she adds "Babe, I have a surprise for you! Come downstairs."

Finally, Waverly comes down the stairs deep in thought. She lifts her gaze and is pulled from her reverie by the wonderful display before her. The fireplace is crackling, casting the living room in a warm glow. On the ground in front of the fireplace, blankets have been placed along with candles and an assortment of her favourite vegan snacks. In the background she can hear some music playing, the familiar tune of Wildwood flows softly through the room. The most wonderful part of the ensemble, however, is her beautiful wife sitting on the couch, soft brown eyes eagerly taking in her reaction.

Waverly lets out a gasp of awe, resulting more from the presence of the lovely woman in front of her than the magical setting. Her reaction leaves a content smile on Nicole's face, the redhead's eyes sparkling with a light that rivals that of the fire.

Waverly walks over to Nicole, jumps onto her lap and locks her hands around her wife's neck. Taken by surprise, Nicole sways and almost falls off the couch with the momentum of the tiny (yet powerful) brunette's action. She grabs a hold of Waverly's waist to steady them both. As she turns her gaze to meet hazel, Waverly captures her lips in a soft, but meaningful kiss. Nicole sighs into the kiss, never tiring of the feeling of those wonderfully soft lips on her own.

When they finally break apart, Waverly asks "Baby, what is all this?", her face alight with a smile that brings out her signature crinkly mooneyes. Nicole answers her wife with a dimpled version of that same smile and says "I thought we could celebrate finding our dream home today."

Waverly loosens her grip from the redhead's neck and softly runs her fingers across Nicole's cheek, then she cups her chin and pulls her in for another tender kiss. "You are the best wife in the world, Mrs Haught." she whispers, causing another big smile to appear on Nicole's face. The redhead's facial muscles could make the front cover of Woman's Health with all the daily (and nightly) smiling she does ever since she met the angelic woman on her lap.

Nicole gets up and lifts her wife in the same motion, startling the brunette and causing her to giggle at the redhead's action. Nicole walks over to the blankets where she sets the them both down in front of the fire, Waverly still in her lap. The brunette giggles again, in awe of her wife's strength and ability to woo her.

Upon being reminded of the food Nicole set out for them, Waverly's stomach growls. To please the disgruntled part of her anatomy, she grabs a baby carrot and bites down on it with an obnoxious crunch. Remembering something, she asks "Babe, have you heard anything from Rachel lately?"

Nicole is halfway through a strawberry when she answers "Yes, she actually called yesterday while you and Wynonna went shopping for the Alice trip."

Waverly perks up even more (if this is possible) at the news and asks "Oh, how is she doing? How are her studies going? Is she planning on visiting anytime soon?"

"She said that things are going really well and that she misses us a lot. I for one am not too worried about her. If anyone can ace studying chemistry, it's Rachel! Do you remember all that potent kombucha she used to make during and after you were in the garden? The kid's a genius. I could see it in her then already, she has a mind for science just like her mom." Nicole says, with pride in her voice.

"Yeah she's a natural. I do miss her though. Sometimes the house seems so quiet without her. I even miss those silly TikTok trances she used to go into that almost caused her to burn down the Homestead once." Waverly says, causing Nicole to laugh.

Their conversation is interrupted by the sound of Nicole's phone ringing. Seeing the caller ID , Nicole looks up at Waverly with a surprised look. "Babe, It's the agent. Why would she be calling this late?"

"Answer it!" Waverly practically screams in excitement. As Nicole goes to answer the call, Waverly instructs "Put it on speaker." Nicole complies with her wife's request. Waverly moves closer to the phone and takes another bite of the carrot in her hand.

"Good evening Mrs. Haught, I do apologize for calling you this late." Angela, the agent, can be heard on the other side of the call.

"That's no problem at all. Is something wrong with our offer on the house? Nicole asks, Waverly listening intently next to her.

"No, not at all. On the contrary, actually. The reason I am calling is to inform you that your offer has been accepted! As you both seemed extremely pleased with the house, I thought I should inform you immediately." Angela tells them warmly.

At this, Waverly jumps up in excitement and starts dancing around the room, almost causing the champagne bottle to topple over when she hits it with her foot. Luckily Nicole saves the celebratory drink from its funeral in the nick of time with her quick reflexes. She attempts to get the tiny brunette to settle down, but it would be an easier feat to get a cat in a tub of water. You don't simply get an excited Waverly to sit down again. Nicole gives up and just laughs at her wife's antics.

"That's fantastic news, thank you so much for letting us know." She finally responds to the agent. "Our offer was accepted very quickly." She continues with a surprised tone in her voice. Waverly finally calms down and joins her wife on the blanket once more.

"Yes, the bank said that there were some instructions left in the will for when the house was sold. I am not sure what these instructions were, but it had a big impact on the acceptance of your offer. I can request more information if you would like to know more on the matter." Angela informs them.

At this information, Nicole frowns. They found the house purely by chance. A will is usually only left to a family member. Neither of them is related to anyone in the family as far as she knows, and yet their offer still got accepted due to something in this will? It doesn't quite add up.

While Nicole undergoes this inner monologue, Waverly pulls over the phone and enthusiastically says "Yes, please! We would really love to know more if that would not be too much trouble for you."

"It should not be a problem, I will request the information from the bank." The agent tells them. Nicole thanks her and is about to end the call when she adds "I would also like to inform you that, due to the house being empty and your offer accepted, you can have the key already. I can bring it around tomorrow if you like? Even though the paperwork might still take a while to be processed, you are welcome to move in."

Nicole looks up at Waverly with a joyful sparkle in her eyes. She already knows she doesn't even need to ask her lovely wife, who is practically bouncing off the walls in excitement. "That would be wonderful! Thank you very much. Nicole tells the agent, with laugher in her voice

"It's only a pleasure, I hope you have a lovely evening. I will see you tomorrow then." Angela tells them, to which Nicole responds with "Thank you and good night." After which she ends the call. She barely puts down her phone when she finds herself toppled over by an ecstatic brunette, their joy filled laughter sounding through the Homestead.

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