"So when did you start to feel like this?" I ask her. She shrugs, "It was about two months before I found you guys. You crash-landed into my life at the perfect time," she says, smiling slightly.
I grin, "God works in mysterious ways." Mia nods, "I felt broken, you made me feel whole. I was being bullied, and I was having problems at home, my mom and dad were getting a divorce. I found out that my mom had a boyfriend who had two kids. We were all moving in together. Everything was changing, I started high school. I lost all my friends. I was sad, broken and alone. I wanted an escape from it all. That's when I heard 'Coming Home'. It was perfect, and it was my anthem."
"Mia, sweetheart, is the bullying still going on?" I ask, very concerned. She wipes away some tears and nods, "Yes. It's very bad now. It happens everyday, and I don't know how to deal with it. It's becoming more physical now, and I come home weak. I'm too afraid to tell anybody."
I frown, trying to think of a response. "I have an offer. Before you say yes, I want you to pray, and talk to your family about it," I caution her. She smiles, "What's the offer?"
"Maybe you could come to Nashville, and live with me for a while. I just want to protect you," I say. She grins, and hugs me again, "You'd do that for me?" I chuckle, "Of course. I don't want you to get hurt."
"I'll have to ask Josh and my mom, and my older brother Jaxon, oh and Meghan!" She exclaims. "I'll talk to them, and assure them that you'll be safe," I add.
"Can we ask them tonight?" She asks. I smile, "Sure Mia, I'd be happy too!"
"Guys, can I talk to you in the living room?" Mia asks her family quietly. They all crowd into the living room, lounging around.
Mia stands behind the coffee table, I stand behind her and place a firm hand on her shoulder. "Alan and I have an announcement," she says.
Josh and her mom nod at us. "Go ahead, sweetheart," Josh says, grinning.
Mia bites her lip nervously, I decide to speak first. "If you guys weren't aware, Mia gets bullied very badly. She informed me that it keeps getting more physical," I say.
Josh, and her older brother, Jaxon, looked shocked. "Why didn't you tell me?" Josh asks. "I would've pummeled them long ago, if I knew," Jaxon says.
Mia takes over, "Alan has offered to let me live with him in Nashville for a while so I could be safe."
Mia's mom and Josh whisper for a while. Then her mom answers, "Do you think she would be safe, Alan?" I nod, "Absolutely. Your daughter will be in good hands."
"Can I visit her?" Meghan asks, eagerly. I smile, "Absolutely! You all can!"
"Mia, do you like this idea?" Josh asks. She nods, "Please Josh! I'm tired of getting beat up!"
Finally everybody agrees, "You'll have to call every night!" Jaxon exclaims. "And listen to Alan and his wife," her mom says. "Don't sass," Josh says.
I quietly slip to the door, and pull Josh aside. "We leave town tomorrow afternoon. I'll be here around three o'clock," I tell him. He nods, "I appreciate you doing this. You're a great guy!" I chuckle, "Thanks! Oh, and here's me and my wife's phone number, in case you need to contact us. I also put Chad, Caleb, and Joey's number down, for emergencies." Josh takes the piece of paper, "See you tomorrow." I shake his head, "Yeah. Good-Night!"
Mia's POV
"Mia, sweetheart?" Josh asks. "Yes?" I reply. "Alan said he'd be here about three tomorrow afternoon," he says.
I hug him, "Josh, thanks for letting me go. Sorry I didn't tell you, I was nervous." He kisses my head, "It's okay, honey, I understand. Now you better go pack!"
I nod, "Okay Josh, love you!" He smiles, "Love you too, Mia."
In about to go into my room when Jaxon stops me. "Mia come here," he says. I follow him into his bedroom.
"Why didn't you tell me? I'm your big brother, it's my job to beat up people who hurt you," he says. I shrug, "Jaxon. They threatened to kill me. I couldn't tell you that." He pulls me in for a hug, "Yes you could've. They wouldn't lay a finger on you. I'm her for you Mia, I love you." I grin, "I know you are! I love you too!" He releases me, "Okay, good. Now go pack."
I pull out my huge, navy suitcase, and put on some Anthem Lights. I grab a few t-shirts, some jeans and shorts. I put in my favorite hoodies, and some shoes. My favorite books and CDs go on top. I put my computer in, and a few other things. Alan's coming right after school.
I make a note about the last minute things to remind me in the morning. I type the numbers Alan gave Josh quickly into my phone. I go on Instagram and Twitter for a bit, then slowly I fall asleep.

Paradise {COMPLETED}
Fiksi PenggemarMia, just an ordinary fangirl with an extraordinary idea. She records a CD for her favorite band, and gives it to them. When they listen to it, Alan is touched by her story. He wants to find her, but all he has is a first name. Will her find her?