Chapter Four

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 It was crowded. Thomas was unhappy. The two were related.

He wasn't a fan of parties or celebrations or anything in that arena. He didn't like the crowds or the music or the noise. But Alexander and Washington had just arrived back home after being in Pennsylvania for nearly a month and a half, and to the Cabinet--minus Jefferson-- that meant a welcome-back party. Thomas had originally planned to not show up at all--he doubted Alexander would have minded. It probably would have made for a better event all around, but Washington had all but forced Thomas to go.

So here he was, standing in the corner of the crowded room nursing a glass of champagne and watching unfamiliar faces flash by. And he was perfectly content to spend the night like that. Made for less headaches all around.

He was actually considering dipping from the party when a familiar face ran up to him. "Hi, Mr. Jefferson!" Philip said happily. Thomas forced a smile. He hadn't expected to see the boy here, this definitely wasn't the most child-friendly party, no matter how small it was. Thomas assumed Alexander had something to do with Philip's presence here.

"Hey, little man."

"I didn't know you were gonna be here," Philip said. He took in Thomas's stance and tried to imitate it, shoving his hands in his pockets and leaning up against the wall like Thomas was. It made him chuckle.


"Did Mr. Washington invite you?" Philip asked.

Thomas grimaced. "More like he forced me to go."


He sighed and lifted the glass to his lips. "I don't want to be here."

Philip frowned, and with that one expression it was like Alexander was standing next to him instead of his son. "Why?"

Kids and their questions. "I don't like parties."

Philip shrugged. "Do you like dancing?"

Thomas shook his head. "No. I'm kind of clumsy." Which was unfortunately true. But he hadn't danced since France, hadn't danced closely with anyone since Martha.

The boy laughed. "Me too. But I still dance. It makes my ma laugh."

Then small fingers were pulling on Thomas's large ones. He pulled his hand back, confused. "Slow your roll there. What are you doing?"

"Getting you to dance!"

Thomas shook his head again. "No, Philip, you don't want to dance with me."

"I do! Come on!"

Thomas didn't want to disappoint a kid and possibly cause a scene during the event; it would only put more unwanted attention on himself. So begrudgingly, Thomas let the boy pull him towards the dance floor. Thankfully, not towards the middle, where he was sure to be spotted. Thomas wasn't ready to let the guests bear witness to whatever disaster this was about to be.

Stiff and uncertain, Thomas stood there and let the boy use his hand to spin, mimicking how the people around them were dancing. He avoided gazes, and kept his eye on Philip to make sure he somehow wouldn't get into trouble while in his charge.

"Dance, Mr. Thomas!" Philip told him, tugging him around in small circles.

"I told you, I don't dance," Thomas replied, anxiety clearly showing through his forced smile.

But it must have been the previously consumed alcohol, or the buzz of the music, but at some point, Thomas found himself indulging Philip by leading him around in simple, somewhat awkward movements. He still kept the two of them confined to the corner of the dance floor, but it was clear to anyone watching that while they weren't the most graceful pair, they were having fun. At least, Philip was.

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