Chapter Six

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Surely Alexander had told Eliza of the events that had transpired between them at the latest cabinet meeting, most likely exaggerated what had happened the way he always did. So why did Thomas receive a letter from her offering to stop by the Hamilton estate for Philip's birthday? Talk about the eldest Hamilton child had been circulating around the office for weeks, but Thomas ignored it. It didn't affect him, nor was he worried about missing the party. He didn't like parties anyways, nor would Hamilton appreciate him showing up unannounced especially after their meeting. Granted, their spat was over a month ago, but neither of them were the type to forgive and forget.


Forgive me if this seems forward, as you and I have never had any business exchanging letters between one another. But Philip won't stop asking me to write to you, for whatever reason he has. As you've probably heard, his ninth birthday is coming up soon, and Alexander and I want to celebrate. Not a big gathering, just with the cabinet members and a couple of Philip's school friends.

Please don't feel obligated to attend, let alone respond to this letter. I know you and my husband have your differences, and the two of you are busy working with Washington. I only wanted to pass along a formal invitation to you. I hope when you receive this letter, you're in good spirits.



He asked himself why he'd hesitated upon reading Eliza's letter, and he didn't know why. Usually, he'd have written back immediately, saying no, he had business to attend to that day. Which was true. But a part of him was leaning towards accepting the invitation.

You'd only be there for an hour, the angel on his shoulder said. Philip would like to see you.

Yeah, with other children that'll stir bad memories, the devil on the other side replied. Not to mention that Alexander will be there, too. Besides, this kid isn't anything special to you. Just another child running around this godforsaken planet.

And it was true, the reason why Thomas avoided celebrations involving children was simply because it was too painful. It was a constant reminder that he'd never see his own children celebrate whatever event it was. When Philip had turned eight, he'd turned down the invitation as a jab to Alexander, but also to avoid the bittersweet memories. But now, the boy was turning nine, and Philip had been so excited to tell Thomas about it.

He talked his ear off any chance he got.

"I'm gonna invite my friends from school, and Ma's gonna bake a cake!" he said excitedly while the two were in Thomas's office, Philip drawing and Thomas writing. After the small party back in Alexander's house, where Philip had fallen asleep on his shoulder, now that was how they spent their time.

"That sounds very exciting," Thomas said, hoping his excitement didn't seem too forced. "What do you think you'll get for your birthday?"

Philip thought for a moment, with his graphite pencil tapping against his chin and brow creased in thought. He looked so much like Alexander in that moment, it was almost scary. "I wanted a horse, but I know I probably won't get that. Maybe some toys." He brightened with an idea. "Or maybe I could ask Pa to take me with him the next time he goes on a trip! Or maybe some pen and paper so I can write like you and Pa!" 

"That's a good idea," Thomas encouraged. He was secretly pleased to hear the kid was taking after both him and his father, and honestly hoped that Philip would have the brains of his dad. It would take him far, just as it had Hamilton. Thomas just hoped the boy wouldn't get his father's temper either.

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