+ T R A I N A N D C O N V I N C E +

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Chapter: start

It had been around three weeks since Blank had been introduced to the troupe. It had been around three weeks since Feitan had started to train her. It had been around three weeks since Hisoka had dropped her off with the murderous troupe and vanished.

The training had started off with pure physical combat between Feitan and Blank. Blank kept up well for her age, but there was certainly room for improvement. Before the hunter exam, before Killua's escape, the only person Blank had ever sparred had been Illumi.

Even then, it wasn't much of sparring and more of a one sided beating. He did make sure to teach her killing techniques, however. She excelled in one sided killing, but not the actual fight before it.

Though Hisoka's plan had been for her to learn nen in hed time at the troupe, Feitan decided against it at the moment. She would better benefit from strengthening her body first before learning the art of nen.

Feitan actually proved to be a greaf teacher. He considered all her weaknesses; her blindness included. Feitan had started by always attacking her 'blind' spots, aiming to improve her movement. Shockingly, Blank always seemed to tell which direction he would come from.

It was a funny thing, actually. Even though Blank had never actually gone through offical nen training, Feitan noted the aura she always had around her.

It seemed to flow through the air, shaping the area around her. Much to his suprise, Blank had been subconsciously using nen to be able to navigate around herself smoothly. All this was realized the day before in the middle of Blank's training session.

Now, after catching up on all the curent events, we will now be brought to the moment of Blank's peeking.

She stood outside a cracked door, peering into the room holding Feitan and Chrollo. Her original purpose was to request another session, but she had been stopped by the two's shared words.

The first words she had heard belonged to Chrollo. "You mean to say Blank has already learned to use nen to navigate?" It was followed by the voice of Feitan. "Yes, leader. Her ability in it is very good. Very good." His broken voice had paused for a moment. "I see great things happening. Maybe she will regain vision?"

Blank paused, straightening almost board like. Regain her vision? She never had any vison to even regain. She was born blind. Her eyebrows furrowed, but she stayed silent. It was one of the talents her time with Illumi had given her. Silence.

If she were to ever gain vision, it would be some form of mircale. Blank closed her useless eyes, leaning closer to hone her ears on the conversation. "You tell me this why?" It was Chrollo who had spoken again.

"You, leader, know many. Perhaps leader knows someone with talents in healing?" Blank bit her lip. Maybe it was possible? Her mentor had said those few words with such determination. "Mm." Chrollo made a nosie of acknowledment.

"I might. But why would I waste an owed favor on some child Hisoka brought? I do not owe Hisoka any favors." Blank squatted down, fearing that she may not be able to support her legs soon enough. She listened to footsteps shd determined to be Feitan's, walking around back and forth.

"Yes, no favors owed to Hisoka. But favor owed to me." Blank almost allowed herself to gasp. Why was he doing this? "You will hand in your favor if I allow her to visit a skilled healer?" There was silence that followed, which Blank hoped meant Feitan had nodded.

"Fine. Train her for another month. After I decide shes adequate enough, I will allow you to take her to Leen." Her heart was now pumping increasingly, with a question her mind. Who was Leen? A doctor, perhaps?

"You are dismissed." Chrollo's pristine word's and Feitan's approaching footsteps signaled Blank to scatter. "Yes, leader."

Time skip

It had been one day since Blank had listened in on Chrollo and Feitan's conversation. Now, she was waiting in the spare training room for Feitan's appearance. Blank had subconsciously decided to not inform the two of her awareness of their conversation.

The creaky door opening snapped her from her tedious thoughts. She could tell it was Feitan, due to the footsteps pattern. He walked over and sat down infront of her, on the floor. "Sit." He commanded. "We shall meditate. You start nen."

She obeyed, sitting down on the spot of the floor infront of him. "Close your eyes. Relax. Breath. Think of peace, child." Blank followed the first three commands easily, but had stumbled on the peace part. Had she ever been at peace? Perhaps maybe during her time alone with Killua was peaceful?

She decided to use that memory, controlling her breathing in a steady pace. It continued that way for an hour, before Feitan's words broke the air. "I know you listened. You heard conversation between me and leader."

Blank's eyes snapped open, purely on reflex, though they served no purpose. "I apologize." Her voice was meek, and her body posture changed as if she was expecting punishment. "No apology needed. I would have told you after."

It was true, that Feitan had planned to inform Blank of his plan during their next training session. He had decided it would perhaps motivate her, and progress her skill. But telling her was useless now, as she already knew everything.

"What did you mean.. about me 're'gaining my vision? Is it.. truely possible?" Her question took alot of courage to ask. After being raised on holding your tongue and shutting up to listen, speaking out of order was begging for a beating.

Not even batting an eye, Feitan answered. "You possess great possibility. You have background in nen. May be possible." There the answer was, right there. Feitan had done something Illumi could never dream of. He had given her hope.

Hope. It was such a strange thing, but Blank needed to latch onto it now. Having her vision would be.. She had no words to describe it. "Yes, mentor. I shall do my best." No matter what obstacles would come her way, this feeling of hope would cause her to burst through them all.

"Now, we start nen. Listen up, child." She made a noise acknowledging her mentor, saying a few words. "Yes, mentor." There was that word again; mentor. She had been calling him mentor ever since the first day of training with him.

It was a term she used of respect, not daring to use her name. Though the term was used to honor Feitan, all it did was annoy him. She said it all too formal, too shut-down, too far off in the world. "Feitan." He said, causing her to furrow her eyebrows. "Excuse me?" She questioned, trailing off to let him explain.

"My name is Feitan. You will call me Feitan. Not mentor." He answered, giving her a tiny glare he knew she couldn't see. Feitan's answer threw Blank into the pits of her mind. Oh. He wished for her to call him Feitan, not mentor.

Blank wondered how much she had annoyed him by calling him something he disliked. But he hadn't given her any punishment, she noticed. He had remained.. silent.

Once again, a strange feeling started to bubble in her chest. Not all people are so awful, she decided.

Chapter: end

A/N: I really meant for this part to be for a few chapters later on, but its been such a long time since last writing the book that I cant seem to remember what I had planned before this. Just know, this plan to meet this mysterious 'leen' was decided forever ago.

Your comments really motivate me to continue this story. I mean, I have ignored an entire class period to write this chapter and finish off the last. I plan to write the next chapter right now aswell.

Thank you, for sticking with me.

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