This is what happens when im bored

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He leaned in and... well... kissed me. I was in such a state of shock, to where I don't remember any of it. I blacked out for what felt like three minutes. But when the darkness and confusion faded all I saw was his smile. That calmed my heart beats a bit. But I still felt like my stomach was doing backflips. I looked at the girls, to see truly disgusted expressions. Between the girls and my shock of what just happened caused me to chuckle. They shot there eyes toward my noise, " what never seen a gay kid before?" I mumbled, I think they heard me but tried there best to ignore my comment. " just wait until the school hears about this!" At these words,I felt both of our hearts drop. " w-who cares?" I felt his fear through his masked chuckle. " you do," one of them announced with a evil grin. " can you just leave us alone?" I ask trying to save both mine and Austin's asses. They all rolled there eyes at the same time and walked away. "Thanks, Liam," " oh now you remember my name?" I joke with a toothy grin. " you know what? I've really missed your sarcasm." He nudged back. After finishing our fries and drinks, we decided to part ways. " wait hey!" Austin exclaims about two feet away from the front door. I turn around to see the tall beautiful boy I've missed for so long. " I kinda deleted your number a long time ago soo..." I cut him off by taking his phone out of his front sweatshirt pocket, and typed my information. " here you go!" I say pulling a wide smile onto my face. He nods and walks away. " see ya later Bugs!" God I miss that name.

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