I dont know

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" you mean your gay?" I blurted out in despair, " I'm... yeah I guess you could say that." I looked at him confused as to what he meant by "I guess" " I'm pan" he says to clear up the confusion. " that means that..." " I know what pan means!" I interrupt, his face almost looked sad as well as surprised. " so does that mean your an ally or...?" I laugh at his cluelessness. "I'm bi" I guess we were both in shock at how easy I said that. " so you out?" I give him a dissatisfied expression. " seriously?! In this town with our school? I don't think so." As I said that our waitress came to our table, " what will you two... lovers want?" She pauses with a wide smile. We looked at her, both obviously confused. We looked at each other and realized that Austin never removed his arm from my shoulder. We both scurried apart, " sirs?" We both look at her and clear are thoughts in discomfort. "Ah yes. Me and my... boyfriend would like some..." he looks at me for my order, " fries" I mumble. " yes fries for both of us!" She smiles as she writes down the order, and walks away. He looks at me with a smile. " I think your way to to use to this fake boyfriend shit, and it's been like five minutes!" He just laughs in response, I do the same. " you know, I missed talking to you?" Those words hit deep in my heart, " uh, yeah me too!" I try to pull on the best smile I could. " fries for you two!" We thank her and start eating. We were talking about an array of  things from school to Christmas cards. I truly felt like we were normal together again until a group of girls walked in. He through a fry in towards my face , "eat it!" He whispered through his laughs. I do so which made me laugh as well, he proceeds to feed me fries. " hah- sto-stop it hahah!" I stutter between notorious giggles and a now mouth full of fries. This attracts attention by the girls and they start walking toward us. " hey Austin," they say in unison. God they all looked and sounded like demons, doing every slightest movement at the same time. I was hella unnerved, "hey girls?" Austin almost seemed as scared as me. " so is this your brother? Or.." My stomach almost twisted at the thought of me having to lie more. I thought I knew what was coming soon enough, but I couldn't be more wrong

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