Late night feeling

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Nola • Yeo one

Nola • Yeo one

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This is unrealistic because it's a panoramic💔💔💔 but a girl can imagine

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This is unrealistic because it's a panoramic💔💔💔 but a girl can imagine

Nola hummed quietly as the smooth soulful voice graced her ear. She watched intriguingly as the couples danced gracefully. The music connecting with their minds, body, and souls

Nola wasn't for going out but this club emitted good energy. The club wasn't too loud and crazy nor boring, just right. It was clearly meant for couples but Nola could always watch in envy.

"You know... there isn't a restriction to go on the dance floor." Her head snapped up in surprise, " It's seems like you really want to."

"Oh no. I'd stick out like a sore thumb." She nervously laughed avoiding eye contact, " Beside this seems like a club for couple. I don't have a date."

"Nobody here is taken..."

"How do you know?"

"I work here. It's my job to know."


"Soul touching music, good vibes, and little bit of liquid courage can go a long way."

Nola took a longer glimpse of him noticing his attractive aura. He wasn't just a pretty boy, he had this alluring aura about him. His face, his physique, his style.

Nola felt the need to know more about. She flattened her dress standing up. He smiled holding his hand for her.

"Liquid courage?" She placed her hands in his making him smile satisfyingly.

"I definitely had some encouragement." She smiled nervously

"I'm flattered." He kissed her hand, "Shall we dance?"

Yeo one lead her to the dance floor standing in an open soace. He placed a hand on her torso and laced fingers with hers on the other. Her body stood stiff like board feeling her confidence erode.

"Um, I'm a little bit awkward."

"Let your body sync with the music and me." He massaged her torso endearingly spinning her around. "Now free yourself."

He let her go mid-spin making twirl her body like a ballerina. She smiled sensually moving her hips with music. Her back faced him as she let the music control.

Yeo one smirked enjoying the show. Her grabbed her arm spinning her into his embrace. Nola's adrenaline spiked as the sudden movement left her nose-to-nose with the stranger.

"Your a natural." He spoke into her ear

"... I-I'm Nola, By the way." She said suddenly

"Changu gu but call me yeo one."

"Okay, yeo one."

"Lovely pronunciation." He complimented. He tilted his head moving even closer to her lips, " Now....shall we dance?"

He pulled away giving her a teasing smile. She shrugged his teasing off placing a hand on his shoulder another on his upper back. She was shocked at how well yeo one had control over his body.

He moved like a snake hipnotizing his prey. Little did they both know, Nola would be his snake whisperer.

She smiled finding rhythm and sync with his body. He placed his hand on her side closing the gap between their bodies. Their leg stood in between each other grinding into each other.

"Your a natural." Yeo one was in awe spinning her around. "I'm honored to be your first partner on the dance floor."

Nola heaved dropping into a her chair. She looked up seeing Yeo one offering her a cup of water. She let out panty laughter almost yanking the water bottle from him.

"Your a naturally good dancer but the endurance of a newbie."

Yeo one leaned his head against his hand. He amusingly watched her guzzle down the water. She parted from the body letting some of what drip from her lip.

"Thank you-."

Yeo one used the clothe of his gloves to wipe the water off her lips. His hands lingered around her face skeptically wrapping around the back of her neck. He moved his face closer to her stopping around an inch away.

"I know this is unprofessional but...could I kiss you?"

"I don't usually do this but...I'll make an exception." She leaned in towards his face, "Just one kiss."

"Just one kiss."

He slightly puckered his lips attaching his lips to hers. He deepened the kiss tilting his head for more access. His lips danced with hers, just as in sync as their bodies did on the dancefloor.

Nola breathed for air as Yeo one pulled away. Her mouth was held agape replaying the 'just one kiss' on repeat. She looked down as he placed a scrap of paper in her hand.

"Just one kiss." Yeo one repeated smirking, "I have to go. Don't forget about me cutie."

He walked away disappearing into the huddle of dancing bodies.

She reached out to him feeling like she let him get away. Nola cursed under her breathe losing a one in a million guy.  She looked down at her hands remembering the paper.

'Maybe we could dance out side of my job xxx-xxx-xxxx ;>'

The end

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