Ch. 1 ~Dream VS. Reality~

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You look up at the sky that's filled with stars. It's so peaceful there, sitting on top of soft grass, with a soft warm breeze blowing around you. It almost feels unreal. You look back up at the sky to see what seems like a falling star. Then another one. Then another. It was beautiful, you've never seen a meteor shower before, this was your first time so of course your excited and amazed, it's almost overwhelming.

Then all of a sudden you hear a voice next to you that says:

"See (y/n) I told you there was going to be a meteor shower! Did you make a wish yet? I made mine!"

     Only then did you realize the warmth of someone else's hand over yours. You turned to look at who the boy next to you was but you couldn't quite make out his face. The only two things you can seem to make out are the freckles that lightly mark along the bridge of his nose, that look just like the stars that fell from the sky, and his soft, warm and gentle smile as he looks at you.

     And then it's all gone. The boy, the grass. Nothing was left. What had happened to them? What did he look like, again? You couldn't remember. Instead of a sky filled with stars, there was only one star to be seen, the sun. It was morning. It was all a dream. You yawned and stretched while looking around your room that was bathed in warm sunlight, you look to your side and there was your was fluffy, white cat Shiro. He always slept with you. He was rather annoyed as his sleep was disturbed by your sudden movement.

"Good morning Shiro. You won't believe the amazing dream I had last night. I have to tell Atlas and Kure about this!" You said as you ran around trying to fix your hair that was just as out of control as always while Shiro Yawned and stretched, still with the same annoyed expression as before.

And then your phone started to ring.


You picked up your phone to see an odd number.

"Hey! Itsa me! Mario!"

"Stupid scammers." You say, and scoffed as you hung up the phone.

You walked down the stairs to see breakfast waiting for you on the table with a note from your parents that read-

"Good morning Sweetie, we had to leave early. Have a good day, love you!"

You hurriedly ate your breakfast and after you were done, grabbed your stuff for school, and ran out the door. As you were on your way, you met up with two of your friends, Atlas and Kure.

"Atlas! Kure! Morning! I'm happy to see you! I have to talk to you about a dream I had last night!"

They nodded, walking beside you and listing intently as you told them about the dream you had last night.

"And that's about it. What are your thoughts on it?"

Atlas gave you a weird look.

"I don't know man. Are you sure that's what you saw? Is that all you remember?"

You nodded.

"Yes! I promise! It's so clear, yet so fuzzy at the same time! It's hard to describe." You said as you sighed.

"Maybe it's a vision. Is there something your not telling us (y/n)? You secretly psychic or something?" Kure asked teasingly.

"What? No! I'm telling you guys the truth!"

     The three of you continued to walk to school together and discuss the dream, along with other things. You went through the whole day anxiously, waiting for the day to be over so you could go home and rest up for the big volleyball tournament you had tomorrow. You were so excited that you rushed home as soon as school was out and went straight to bed but you couldn't sleep. Shocker. By the time actual night rolled around, you did manage to sleep, if only for a couple of hours. Another shocker. It was then, finally morning.

     You stepped into the Arena, a couple hours later. The gym was huge! As you looked around, you saw the team you were up against and immediately got nervous.

"They're all so tall..." You muttered under you breath.

    But you then shook your head and reassured yourself with confidence that your team would win.

     It was a hard fought game. Your team managed to win 3-2 sets, and were going to go onto the next round. Your team was so exhausted, and all you wanted to do was go home and sleep, but your coach wanted your team to stay and watch some of the other games before you left. You couldn't decide what match you wanted to watch. You finally decided on the match between the two teams, Karasuno High School and Seijoh.

   When you finally found the right court, you sat down and began to watch. As soon as you sat down your eyes were drawn to a short orange haired boy and their black haired setter. The small orange haired one flew through the sky, jumping higher than you even thought was possible, and with the setter tossing to him with perfect precision, unlike anything you had seen before. You stood there in awe, unable to take your eyes off the team. They were by no means the best team ever, and they still made mistakes constantly, but they worked together like tiny gears in a machine, each doing their own part to make it work.

   You hadn't realized how long you had been staring at them, awestruck, until you heard the whistle blow. They were subbing someone in? They were behind by a few points, so maybe they were putting in a really good server. The little orange boy was switched out for a taller boy with greenish, blackish hair and from what you could see up in the stands, lots of freckles.

     He seemed to be a bit nervous, but determined. He stepped up to the line and you were on the edge of your seat. You wanted to see how he served. If Karasuno was brave enough to put him in as their pinch server, he had to be good, right? What kind of serve would he use? The whistle blew and he tossed the ball into the air, jumping to reach it.

'So he's a jump server..?'

      The ball made its way over the net, flying gracefully through the air. It didn't have any spin at all. The other team's libero dove for it, but missed, coming just short of the ball. Your eyes widened. You had heard of float serves before, but had never actually met anyone who could do it, or at least do it well. If you were on the edge of your seat before, now you were completely off of it. You wanted to do that too. If you learned how, then you could help your team out so much. You've always sorta struggled with serving. You made up your mind right then and there. You had to have him teach you.


Hey! Spiffy here! Happy late Christmas! I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. I'm really sorry if this seemed short, this is my first story and it's a hard to come up with ideas haha I did not expect it to be this hard. But I have my two best friends helping me write and edit the story. We will try our hardest in the upcoming chapters, please be on the look out for them. I'm so grateful that they are able to help me. Their "code names" are Kure and Atlas! You can add Atlas's Wattpad account here: XxAtlasxXAndFriends.

"A Dream Come True" Yamaguchi x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now