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reader's POV: It was a sunny morning in the neighborhood. I just got up, I was still tired but I needed to start my day. I went down stairs to the kitchen to make me something to eat. I just made me a quick bowl of cereal and grab my computer.

I looked through the web to find something i might be able to check out. Then, on the TV, the news came on.

News reporter: Breaking News! There has been another report of a missing teen who vanished last night a 9PM last night. There was one person who last saw the teen walking past his shop towards a abandoned mall down the road one hour before the teen was reported missing.

Reader's POV: "Well it looks like I have the opportunity to make another vid". I went back upstairs to get some good clothes on and I grab my camera. Once I got my keys, I went to the car and drove to the scene where the kid was last spotted.

I parked next to the restaurant where the man worked and pulled up my computer to look back on the news. "Lets see....near an abandoned mall...down the street..alright". I drove down the street and I saw an old looking road. Of course the curious got the best of me and I went down road.

As I was driving down the old road it lead to a small forest. At the end of the road, was the abandoned mall that that guy was talking about. I got out the car and admired the place. It looked like its been lefted here for a long time.

I got my camera ready to record and started heading to the entrance of the mall. "Hello everyone and welcome back to another video today I'm at a abandoned mall where a teen was claimed to be missing yesterday night. We might find if the girl is here and alive." As I opened the door it made a slight creaking noise.

Cartoon cat POV: "What i have visitors over? I looked around the corner to see a guy. It looks like he's recording something. "He looks looks...kinda cute".  I don't care about him but he looks interesting. Maybe I'll mess with him a little bit.

"Wow, this place is big. I hope I don't get lost in here. There's so many stores here, wonder why this place was abandoned". Suddenly heard a bang. I jumped in fear. It was probably some stuff that fell in one of the floors i thought, but now I'm getting nervous.

"I don't know if I should stay in here. I think I'll make a part two of this later". As soon as i said that, i turned off my camera and started to make my way to the exit. Before i could left, i felt something grab my leg and pulled me.

I fell to the ground and there i saw a tall creature with a smile.

Cartoon cat POV: "hello toots".

Cartoon cat x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now