Hiding from the public

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Reader: what the? what happened? Its looks like I'm in my room. Ow! My body hurts so bad. Those thugs did a number on me. Where's is CC? He's probably downstairs in the living room. I got up carefully and limp to my bedroom door.

As I went downstairs to the living room, I saw CC on the couch with his head in his hands. Hey CC! Are you okay? CC looked up at me and raced over to me and gave me a hug.

Cartoon cat: Oh my gosh I'm so glad your awake. Those jerks was beating you up bad. Im just you able to walk.

Reader: well kind've. I still need to heal up. Also, what ever happened to those thugs anyway?

Cartoon cat: I...killed them..

Reader: WAIT WHAT?! IN PUBLIC! please tell me no one saw you. I soon as i said theat the news came on.

Reporter: breaking news! a tall black cat creature was found in an alley way surrounded by dead bodies, carrying what looks to be a civilian injured. It was last seen running through the public down the street of Jackson Avenue yesterday. Police are swarming the area to find out where that creature is and neutralize it. people are recommended stay indoors until further notice.

Both (y/n) and Cartoon cat: . . . .shit.

Reader: Oh my gosh this is not good, not good at all. Now the police are after you.

Cartoon cat: Its not my fault. I killed those thugs because they was about to kill you. I had to go back to my original form and I carried you across the street and public to get to the house so I can patch you up.

Reader: I know I know it's not your fault but we're going to do now people are looking for you and a couple of everyone around town already know what you look like. we have to go somewhere else we can't stay here. Suddenly, there was a knock at my door. Oh no. Quick, hide somewhere.
CC quickly ran upstairs in a closet. I went to the door as calmly as I can so I don't look suspicious. I looked through the peak hole and saw to cops. My heart started to race. I opened the door. Hello officers. Is there a problem? I said nervously. 

Police officer: yeah uh, we was told by Witnesses about the cat creature from yesterday that it ran with a civilian that look to be injured and ran through this street and somewhere around this house. we was wondering if we can come in and look around.

Reader: um...sure go ahead. I opened the door and let the officers in. They both walked in and look around the house.

Police officer: have you seen any suspicious character yesterday.

Reader: N-no sir. I wasn't here at the time. I was visiting my mother yesterday.

Police officer 2: let's look up here.

Police officer 1: alright

Reader: the two officers went up stairs to check around. I was getting very nervous. CC up there hiding. hope they don't find him.

The first place they look was my room. They looked around in my closet, under my bed, everywhere. I was wondering where cc is right now.
Then the officers went out my room and went to the bathroom. They went in and pulled the bathtub curtains and found nothing. I was starting to get real confused. if he's not in my room or in the bathroom where could he be? we don't have attic but then I saw there was one door left. the closet at the end of the hall.

Police officer 1: hey! there's one more door dow here.

Reader: I raced in front of the officers. Oh you don't need to go in there and just where I keep my towels and stuff there's nothing in there. The officer started become concerned.

Police officer 2: then you don't mind us taking a look then if there's nothing wrong with it.

Reader: they move me aside and open the door I was bracing myself. We're screwed, they'll will find CC and kill him.

Police officer: There's nothing here. Why were you acting so suspicious? It's just a regular closet.

Reader: wait what? I was surprised CC was even in there but where else will you be? Oh yeah sorry for that officer, It's just that..uh..its my favorite closet so I didn't what anyone messing with it, i said nervously.

Police officer: okay i guess. Well, I guess we'll just....

Just as the officers were about to leave they saw a cartoon cat trying to go down the stairs and they all froze while they looked at each other.

Everyone: . . . . .

Cartoon cat: . . . .uh. . . Meeoow.


The officers open fired on cartoon cat. (Y/n) tried to stop the officers while Cartoon cat tried to run.

Reader: Please stop! Don't shoot him.

Police officer: MOVE OUT OUR WAY!

The officers race down the stairs after cartoon cat and went to the kitchen. as they was trying to look for him cartoon cat came right behind them and whack them both with frying-pans and they both fell down.

Cartoon cat: That was close. I need to get (y/n). Right when I said that he was already downstairs.

Reader: CC are you... CC grabbed me and wrapped his arm me tight. Then, I started to hear police sirens. Uh CC we need to go. Cc ran through the backdoor and into the nearby forest. After a few minutes of running, CC stopped and released me. We both fell on the ground exhausted. I guess where not going back there again.

Cartoon cat: *heavy breathing* yeah...guess not. I sat up and leaned up against a tree. I guess we need to find somewhere else to stay for now.

After a while of catching your breath they both wandered the woods hopefully looking for somewhere to set up camp but then they saw something distance that caught their eye it looks like an abandoned building.

Cartoon cat: hey check it out a building we can stay there. Me and (y/n) went inside the building. Its not like my old home but its better than nothing.

Reader: this place looks scary. Put ots only for tonight. We looked for a spot that was comfortable and sat down. I was getting tired. I looked at CC. Hey CC, can I..lay on you. Im getting tired.

Cartoon cat: sure toots, (y/n) curled up under me and went sleep. I was tired to so we both went to sleep.

In the distance.....

(Siren sounds)

Cartoon cat x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now