Chapter 14: All Hell Broke Loose

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Maria and Robin kept to the shadows and walked as silently as possible. The beautiful forest they had enjoyed so much mere weeks before was dark and ominous. No light broke through the canopy as usual. Maria paused as she heard something moving through the forest ahead of them. She barred Robin’s way with her arm and swung him behind a tree. She pushed against him, each of her hands on either side of him pressed against the tree and glanced around the tree. Robin peeked out too, face close to Maria’s. Each could feel the others hair tickling their cheeks. A deer was limping, injured ahead and strange darkness oozed out of its body. It collapsed onto the ground. As the rise and fall of its delicate chest stopped the darkness flew out of its body and away into the forest. Maria let out a sickened gasp. Robin rubbed her shoulder, and gently pushed her away from him before moving to examine the deer.

“Perfectly unscathed.” He murmured. He didn’t say the rest of what he was thinking. Just like Periwinkle. Instead he exchanged a meaningful glance with Maria.

Finally they began moving again. Maria jumped at every little snap or rustle in the forest. The sun was rising by the time the rested at the tree with the twisted roots and the Moon Princess’s secret hollow. Robin quickly scouted the area then returned to Maria.

“I don’t think that thing is around here.” Robin said quitly.

“Good. Now how much farther is the tree?” Maia asked.

“It’s over the next hill.” Robin replied. Maria looked towards the hill that he had beckoned to.

“OK. Robin. I know you’ll probably say no, but will you please go home?” Maria asked, eyes boring into him. Robin stared into her worried and terrified eyes.

“I will never leave you.” He murmured in reply. Maria sighed.

“I knew it.” She rolled her eyes. She sat down on the thick roots of the tree and pulled off her shoes. Her feet were aching. She rubbed her feet, wincing. Robin watched with amusement.

“Sore already Princess?” He taunted. Maria glared at him.

“Not all of us grew up trekking through the words Bird-boy.” She shot back. Robin smiled and held up his hands in defeat.

“Who Princess! Don’t go wasting your energy on me!” He laughed. Maria huffed.

“I believe that ship has sailed. Four years ago.” Maria replied with a smirk. Robin only laughed.

Robin and Maria sat for a few more minutes before heading towards the hill. As they began climbing the hill Maria could smell the terrible musty scent of the darkness. She could hear absolutely nothing and a tingling sense of dread crept up Maria’s spine. Suddenly with a jolt she collapsed to the ground, eyes rolling.

“Princess!” Robin said. He bent next to her.

Maria was standing facing the first Moon Princess and the fourth.

“I am sorry Maria.” The fourth said. “Go forward with caution. And good luck.” She said. She began glowing and something like Maria’s white mist seeped out of both Princess’s and flowed into her body. She gasped at the sharp crisp feel of the power and energy she had been granted. The fourth vanished but the first remained. Maria heard a frantic voice in the background, calling her but she ignored it.

“Remember Maria, what Loveday said. Love changes everything. You have that power at hand.” She said before she vanished too.


Maria blinked sharply and found herself gazing up into Robin’s terrified eyes.

“What happened?” He asked, his voice shaky.

“Nothing.” Maria replied. She rose to her feet. “Let’s go.” She sat. Robin stared at her before following. He seemed distracted. “I’m ok Robin.” She said. Robin gazed at her. Indeed Maria was walking strongly and her eyes shone with new energy. She felt no more of the aches that had moments ago plagued her. Robin nodded faintly. Finally they reached the top of the hill. What they saw in the clearing terrified them. Henry’s horse’s body lay in the clearing. Henry was nowhere to be seen. Robin had begun to look panicked.

Maria acted quickly. She jogged down into the clearing and up to the tree. Henry was not their but his horse was. There was a story written in the clearing. Henry must have been hurt because there was a bit of blood on the forest floor. The whole clearing was covered in scuff marks and broken, mangled vegetation.

Robin had come to a halt by Maria’s side and stared in shock and horror around the clearing. Maria was just as horrified but felt a horrible pang of sympathy for Robin.

His fists suddenly clenched. He turned to Maria and nodded firmly. Maria turned to the tree. Her whole body was shaking in fear and nervousness. She swallowed hard and looked at Robin.

“It’s ok.” He murmured encouragingly, gently taking her hand. Maria nodded, squeezing his hand in return before letting go and pushing the horse head. It sunk into the tree, eyes glowing read, exposing not a secret tunnel or room but a small hollow. A tiny black pearl sat inside. Maria only caught a glimpse because at that moment all hell broke loose.

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