calls from worried friends

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Eridan's pov-

We'be only been in Austrialla for two days but it feels like a lifetime. I miss seeing everyone. I especially miss Sollux. I had thought about the lisping computer nerd ever since I started packing. I didn't bother mentioning it Sollux cause I was afraid that he would overreact. He was my best friend and I knew that he wouldn't want me to leave ever. We had a history. And that wasn't something we could get over quickly. So instead of telling Sollux, I confidded in Karkat. He was another person that I was close too. And someone who would be able to understand. I told him that I had to move because of my dad's reassignment and that I didn't know how long that we would be here. I also asked him to make up some excuses for me. If Sol asked about me that is. I just wanted him to know that I was okay but I wouldn't be seeing him for a while. But I hoped a while was not that long.

-time skip: two months-

"Twenty-five." I mumbled. "Twenty-six." Cronus looked up from his algebra III book. "What are you counting?" I sighed. "Twenty-seven." I ignored my brother and tried to focus on the tv. "Twenty-eight." Cronus slammed his book shut causing me to flinch. "Answer me you brat." I looked up at him. "Hm?" I said as the next one came through. "Twenty-nine." I mumbled out again. "What are you counting?" Cronus asked again. I sighed. "Sol's calling." Cronus snorted before moving over to the couch where I was sitting. "Again?" I nodded. My phone vibrated again. "Thirty." Cronus whistled. "Geesh. You think he'd take the hint." He looked over me. "He does know we live here now right?" I shook my head. "You never told him?" I gulped. "No I was too scared to." He shook his head. "Here. Give it." I handed my phone to Cronus. What was he about to do? It vibrated for the thirty-first time. Cronus pushed a button and held it up to his ear. "Hey Sollux. This is Cronus." I shook my head at him. 'Are you nuts?' I mouthed to him. He shrugged. "Oh Eridan? Eh, he could be better." Cronus winked at me. I sighed. He wasn't going to rat on me. "Hospital. Won't be out for weeks, months even. He can barely move. Shouldn't of had the squid. I told him he couldn't stomach it. But he never listens." There was a pause. "I'm sorry, I can't do that. He's getting his stomach pumped at the moment." Another pause. "Yeah, I'll tell him. Bye." Cronus looked over at me. "He says he misses you." I sighed. I miss him to. "Thanks." I mumbled. "Yeah. Next time he calls don't keep count."

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