first grade encounters with third graders

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Eridan's pov-

"Sol wait up! You're running to fast." I called out to the kid in front of me. I huffed  out breath trying to keep up with him. "Oh  c'mon ED. I know you can run faster than that." Sollux called over his shoulder. I narrowed my eyes, focussing on catching up to the taller kid. My speed increased slightly before it ceased altogether. I didn't know what happened until Sollux came up to me saying, "ED, you alright? You hit your face pretty hard." He held out his hand for me to take. I gladly took it and he helped me to my feet. I heard snkiering from a few steps away. "Hehe. You guppies need to be stayin on that side of the playground." I turned to look at the voice. It was Meenah Peixes, third grader, and Feferi's mean older sister. The total opposite of Feferi. "You don't own this playground." I snapped at her, trying to sound tough. "You can't tell us where we can and can't play." She rolled her big eyes, I couldn't tell what the color was from behind her slightly tinted pink glasses. "And what if I do? What are you goin to do about it fishbreath?" I opened my mouth to say something back to her but my breathe hitched in my throat. Fishbreath? I don't have fishbreath. Do I? "Hit a little close to home, huh guppie?" She put one hand on her hip and flicked her braids back with the other before letting her arm rest by her side. "Why don't you cut it out Meenah." Sollux said from beside me. I turned to look at him. His face was slightly flushed from the running we had just done and his glasses were sliding down his face. "Can it snake face. I wasn't talkin to you." I could feel my face heat up in anger. Tears were rimming in my eyes from all the anger I was feeling towards Meenah. The tears flowed over as I shouted. "Why don't you just shut the glub up!" Meenah's eyes grew wide. "You can pick on me. But leave my friends out of it. I don't want to hear another stupid name come from your big ugly fishy lips. So just shut up and leave us alone!" I turned my back on the third grader and began tugging Sollux across the play ground.

Sollux's Pov-

        "Wow ED. I didn't know that you had that in you." I followed behind Eridan as he tugged me across the playground. "Hey ED? ED? ED!" He stopped walking. I looked around at where we were. We were underneath the jungle gym that led to the big yellow slide. Eridan turned around and flung his arms around my neck, burying his head into my chest. "Whoa, there." I held my hands up as not to touch Eridan. What was he doing? Eridan made a weird sound. It sounded like a mouse was squeaking. "Hey whats the matter?" I looked down at my friend, who was shivering like a cat left out in the rain. "Why is she so mean?" He let go of my neck and took a step away from me. He rubbed his nose with the sleeve of his dark blue shirt. "I don't know. But never mind her. Let's go watch Terezi like the swingset again." I grabbed his hand, quickly. He smiled slightly. "Yeah." He wipped his eyes with the hand that wasn't holding mine. Once he was done I led him to the swingsets, where Terezi was licking them. Again.

(A/N: hmm. I really don't know where to go with this right now. I have part of a chapter written but it won't come out for another few chapter because on the time line for the chapter is they are in highschool. and I kinda want to bulid up to that point. But I have no idea how. Any suggestions? Please send your feedback and I'll see you in the next update. Bye!)

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