what happened to ED?

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Thanks to eridan_wweh I have written a few chapters for this story. Thanks so much.

Sollux's pov-

It's been a few days since Eridan kissed me. It's also been a few days since I've seen him or his older brother. Where were those two? On Tuesday morning I walked into school looking for the shorter boy. Where was he? I quickly walked to my first hour without stopping at my locker. Usually Eridan was sitting in his seat before anyone else was even in the class room. But when I got to the room his seat was empty. There also wasn't any evidence that he was going to be here. There were no books or bag. Nothing was there. I threw my bag in my seat with frustration. God Damnit ED. I still had fifteen minutes before class actually started, but I didn't want to leave just in case Eridan showed up late. So I just stayed in the classroom. Waiting.

Eleven minutes before class started. Karkat came rushing into the room. He was breathing heavy and his face was flushed bright red as if he had been beaten with a stick. "Yo, KK. What's the problem?" He looked up at me and then at the room. "Wait, no one's here? Just you?" I looked around me. "Unless you see someone I don't." He rolled his eyes. "Save it Captor. I'm not in the mood for jokes." I smirked. "And why not?" He growled, walking past me and sitting in a seat near me. "Fucking Kankri woke me up saying I had missed a quarter of first hour. So I rushed here. I didn't even clean up. I didn't have time to shower. I couldn't even brush my hair. And I had to brush my teeth on the way here." I sighed. "Well you're not late. You're really early. Uh, eleven minutes to be exact." He snorted. "Thanks for giving me that info Captor. It helps me a lot." I nodded. "No problem." I looked over at Eridan's desk again. Maybe Karkat knew where he was. "Hey, do you know where Eridan is?" Karkat looked at me. "Hm?" He looked over at Eridan's empty desk. "Oh, he told me he was sick. Said he wouldn't be showing up for days. I think he said something about getting his stomach pumped and food poisoning." I narrowed my eyes at him. Something wasn't right. Why would Eridan tell Karkat that he was sick and not me? And why did it seem like Karkat was lying. "Oh." Was all I could think to say at the moment. I needed to get to the bottom of this. And fast.

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