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I was asleep in the hospital for three days. That's how fragile my health was. There were quite a lot of steps, last I remembered. The white lighted glared at me all day as I tried to recall what happened.

I was climbing stairs... it felt like forever before I was able to reach the top I guess, and then I began feeling tired. After that I forgot. My head hurt to much to remember.


I woke up again in the hospital. The lady said I could go today, I just had to be very careful. I slowly sat up, my back aching in the process and placed my bare feet on the cold hard floor. When I finally managed to get dressed and walk out the door with the help of many people, Yuuta, Shin, and Kizamai were waiting for me.

Shin thanked the lady and Kizami asked if I needed to be carried. I said I was fine, but one step later, I nearly tumbled head over heels.

In the end I fell asleep on Kizami's back and kept on trying to make an excuse to walk on my own but no one accepted it. They were laughing all the way home which made me smile for the first time in forever. I haven't seen Shin angry in a while though...


I take that back.

Today at school a lot happened. First during lunch break, I walked with Yuuta and Kizami over to Shin's classroom but there was something oof about Shin.

He was angry.

The lovable fluffy little idiot had many faces. This was one of them. We didn't know what happened exactly but Shin was angry and a few students were involved with the cause. The teacher was already on the floor curled up in a ball. Once he spotted us he begged us to help.

Kizami ran into the classroom first mainly because he was the closest to Shin out of all of us. Yuuta was always taking care of me that's why.

We both followed him in and saw a ring of students around Shin and two others.

One of the two looked really big and bulky, and the other looked like a mastermind of sorts. This scene looked like something from an anime is all I thought.

"Hey kid, take that back!" Said the big bulky one.

"..." Shin didn't reply. He stayed silent. He knew we were in the room and didn't want to do anything rash right now.

"Open your big trap already! You were just doing it!" The big bulky guy threw a punch at Shin but Shin merely dodged. The mastermind was merely mittering things under his breath with a cold expression, one similar to mine.

The mastermind glanced behind him and right at me, I was hiding behind Yuuta which watched Shin wide-eyed. He didn't like Shin's other faces that well because it always surprised him.

The mastermind slowly walked up to us, grabbing Shin's attention and distracting him. The bulky one took the chair but just just barely missed, returning Shin's attention. That wasn't so smart I guess.

"May I ask your name?" The mastermind asked pointing to me.

I shook my head.

"..." I didn't know any of his motives and neither did Yuuta. The mastermind muttered a few words to Yuuta and Yuuta stiffened immediately. I looked up and it was as if he was frozen in a trance.

The mastermind grabbed my arm and dragged me out the door. Shin and Kizami watces as I was taken out of the room. Shin was mad though, so he acted pretty quick. He ducked out of the room and took the other door, blocking the mastermind's path. Behind us appeared Kizami surrounding him.

"So it's this girl? You gave it to her?"

"Shut up. I gave it to no one, I told you I still have it." Shin said with a deathly glare.

"Shin, is he-" Kizami was interrupted by the mastermind.

"I know you're lying."

"I'm not."

"Then give it."


The atmosphere slowly became tense as the prying eyes watched from the windows.

I closed my eyes, not wanting to see anything anymore, I didn't like it when Shin got mad, but afterwards he would get super flustered.

I shut them tight making sure I was able to only see my eyelids.

I began spacing out afterwards. From time to time I heard things breaking though, and voices. Then someone was crying... I think it was me.


I ended up not seeing the rest of it. I didn't want to see the rest of it.

The mastermind was apparently an expert at hypnosis. He can make anyone do anything, with a just a few words and a hard long stare into their eyes. Yuuta got hypnotized and from time to time space out a lot.

I was laying into the sofa deciding whether or not to bang my head on something to forget it. Shin and Kizami seem fine now, but Shin is in his flustered phase which he goes through every time he gets angry like that.

"_____... are you awake?" I heard a low whisper in front of me. When I opened my eyes, Shin was kneeling next to the sofa and Yuuto was spaced out at the table. Kizami was nowhere to be seen though.

"I'm awake." I said in a raspy voice. I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes. My head hurt a lot and I was feeling like the world hated me, as I always do.

Shin quickly took that chance and kissed me on the forehead, while I was still in my sleepy daze.

"D- don't lose it, ok?" He asked. His face was awfully red which I found normal. What I didn't know was what he was talking about. He sat down next to me and looked the other direction. "Hey, how much did you see... yesterday that is." He asked.

I thought back to yesterday and how Shin got angry. I didn't see much because I wanted to sleep through all of it. I was yanked around quite a lot though, but never opened my eyes. I didn't want to. The thoughts of it scare me how his personalities can change so quickly and he can act like nothing happened.

I hesitated a little and shook my head.


The mastermind from the other day kept bothering me every chance he could. I wasn't left alone all day. I don't like him much...

On the way home the mastermind was hiding in the bushes, and as I placed something in the sink, I saw him through the window. I closed all the blinds, locked all the doors and sat on the sofa completely still until someone came home. I want someone to come home.

I fell asleep sitting up. When I woke up someone came crashing through the window, shattering glass everywhere. On the floor in front of me was the mastermind. The person that threw him was an angry Shin.

He said a few things, the mastermind smirked, and walked through the front door and out of the premise.

"Sorry..." Shin said getting a little red. "You didn't have to see that."

"Hn?" I didn't know what was going on. I was still rubbing my eyes and waking up.

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