Chapter 2 - Hell on Earth

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Summer is over now and school starts tomorrow. I'm a little nervous I've never been the new kid and unlike my sister I didn't spend the whole summer finding guys to hookup with and friends to hangout with. I sit on my bed doing the mental checklist, making sure I have the first day essentials and my sketchbook. Once I go thought that I pick out my outfit. I picked out a taupe green oversized sweatshirt, a white button up to go under and my favourite black jeans. I set them on my desk and set my alarm before jumping into my bed.

Beep! Beep! Beep! My alarm rings throughout my room, as tired as I was I slip out of bed and hop in the shower to start my first day of school. After getting dressed and fixing my hair I decided to do a bit of makeup. I never wore makeup to my old school because that shit hole was full of assholes but I'm proud to be myself now. I add a little red eyeshadow around my eyes and make a wing with my eyeliner. I grabbed a banana before walking outside and starting my trek to school. I know my sister and I could have gone together in the car but I really didn't feel like listening to 2010 Justin Bieber and Brittany spears the whole way. Walking up to the school the court yard was full of kids everywhere I also noticed a large group of girls surrounded what seems to be two of the hockey team members. They were quite close to the door which was a bit of a struggle to get pass but after getting shoved a few time I yelled at them to move but they all stood there in shock staring at me so I pushed my way through.

After stoping at the office to get everything I needed I headed to my first class math. Now with most people they hate math well I love it I'm not saying I love it first thing but I mean it's fun finding the unknown answer of each question. However in class the teacher Miss. Haith made us go around say our names and one thing we did this summer like little children.

"Hi my name is Orion and this summer I spent the whole time with my best friend." Announced the guy two seats behind me. Who I think was one of the boys being surrounded by the door.

Next was the boy in front of me; " hey my name's Jace and I spent the summer with the idiot behind me." All the girls start giggling and a couple of the boy snicker at his comment. Orion leans forward and smacks Jace on the back of the head but before Jace can retaliate Miss. Haith yells at the class to settle down. Now it was my turn...

"Hi, um my names Kian and this summer I moved." I said fidgeting with my hands and hating everyone looking at me.

"Well welcome Kian, we hope you and your family enjoy our town and school." Miss. Haith responds sweetly.

"Well my sister has enjoyed your boys already." I whisper under my breath. I thought I said it quiet enough but I guess that the two jocks behind me heard from there quiet snickers.

As the day went on I wanted more and more for the day to be over. Not only did I learn that the schools most 'popular' ( hoe) was in most of my classes but Jace or Orion and some of the time both are in all my classes. Not that I don't like the two it's just they always sit by me which means angry glares from all the girls in class. Ring ring ring  finally after a double block of social I can head to my final period which is art! I run to my locker and decide to bring everything to class so I don't have to stop here again. I walk into class and see Gi so I'm assuming this is a mixed grade option. I watch as all the students file in and seconds before the bell rings the teacher walks in.

"My name is Mr. Klutz I'm 27 and this is my first full time teaching job. This year I have planned to do a art exhibit in may  each student in the art curriculum this semester must put in two projects one which will be a portait of you partner which we will choose today and one of your own choice which has to be verified by me. Now you guys probably have been introducing yourself every class so I'll call your name during attendance and instead of saying here say one thing about yourself your peers won't know." After his introduction the class role call started.  Most people would say things like I dyed my hair, I shaved my eyebrows off, my great great who ever is alive and a couple would say things like  I can walk on water or that their uncle was famous. Then came GI,

"Gi Snyder?"

"My Grandpa is the pastor at our old church." My sister announced. Quickly Mr. Klutz moved on and continued. Till it got to me.

"Kian Snyder?"

"I'm gay." I spewed out it was the fist thing that came to mind and it just came out. My sister urned and glared at me her eyes told me I fucked up. 'Now all the boys will think I'm gross cause I'm related to you' her face screamed.

"Ok um, Jace Miller."

"Ummm?" He looks to Orion who nods. The both get up and start making their way to the front where I'm sitting. I look at them both with a look of wonder. Then they lean in and kiss my cheek, my face flushes bright red and I quickly hide it behind my hands. " me and Orion kissed the cutest boy in the school on the cheek."

"Well that was not expected, Orion Wood?"

"Poly." He states and every one looks at him weirdly. Only a few of us knowing what he ment by that including the teacher who nods and moves on. After the whole class had been called we had to pick a partner which became a problem because there was  a fight between Orion and Jace on who gets to go with me which was eventually solved when Mr.Klutz told the boys that there are a uneven amount of students and the both could go with me however to stop them fighting on who has to do my portait he made them pick a number and Jace who picked two  was closest got to draw me and I had to draw Orion. After talking a bit we decided we would get together at my house this weekend because I was the only one who doesn't have a house full of siblings like the other two.

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