Chapter 6

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 Aaron POV:

Whats wrong with Cheryl?

Ever since I got home she acted kind of weird..

She kept staring off into space and on occasions her face would turn red all of a sudden then she would speak gibberish.

 I keep hearing her mumbling “ Embarrassing….Stupid girl” 

Wonder what going on with her and now she keeps playing with her pieces of chicken.

“ Cher…..” I called her but she didn’t seem to hear me.

“ Cheryl” I said loudly this time and she still stare off into space.

I sighed then I heard her mumbling “ Boy”

Boy? BOY?! What the f*** !

 Who is this boy who take my little sister’s attention!

I won’t accept this! She’s too young for boyfriends!

Heck shes way too innocent to date, for pete’s sake she doesn’t even thankfully though understand those perverted jokes.

I called for her once again sternly but not that stern, I don’t want to scare her off.

And again she didn’t hear me so I  Iay my hand on her. Finally she look at me

“ Cheryl…” I said.

“ Yes Aaron?” she asked, with her big brown eyes Innocently look at me.

Shes too beautiful for her own good, if she falls in love with a guy that guy surely will force her and while I’m still here I’m not going to let that happen.

Ever since our ‘ father ‘ won’t take his father role I have to act both the father and brother and honestly it doesn’t bother me much.

I let go of her hand.

So I asked her “ who is this guy you’re talking about?”

She went quiet, didn’t say anything then…

She blushed!

She stuttered “ W-what b-boy are you t-talking about A- Aaron?”

I can feel my rage building, how dare he take my sister’s attention! No boy is going date her until she’s 45 years old!

Sternly I said “ Cheryl don’t lie I know when you’re lying..”

She look down at her feet as if it’s the most interesting things in the world.

“ Cheryl fess up now!” I demand sternly but not enough to scare her.

I see her took a deep breath and she told me everything but by the time she was finish I was ready to explode.

* Cheryl’s POV *

“ Cheryl!” he exclaimed.

He started to blab angrily about me dating guys ( not that it would start anytime soon ) me being too young ( although I am not that young ) and etc.

I started feeling guilty although it was not directly my fault that I was stuck with Ethan.

Suddenly he said “ I’m going to meet that boy!”

I gasped and pleaded at him “ Please don’t Aaron, he didn’t even do anything bad to me, please can you just let it slide for this one time?

He was about to protest but then I look at him and  said softly “ For me please?”

He went quiet and started to ponder.

Every time this similar situation occur I would always win luckily. What ever I was doing I’m just glad it works.

 He sighed “ Fine

I thanked him but then he said “ But I don’t want you meet that boy anymore Cher… I am worried  for you

I just nodded, I can’t say anything I’m sure it would be obvious that I was lying. Although it touched my heart that Aaron was worrying for me, I still can’t make that promise because I promised that I buy Ethan a new t-shirt.


He grinned then ruffled my head “ Good girl “.

I feel so guilty, I just hope my ‘business’ with Vincent finish faster than expected.

 Because I know if I continue this ‘business’ any more longer I will definitely accidently blabbed out the ‘business situation because of the guilt…

 Trust me it’s hard to keep a secret from someone who is always there for you..

He picked up the dishes and washed them, I bid goodnight to him and vice-versa. I went upstairs, opened and closed the door shut.

* sigh *

What am I going to do?

I need  fresh air.

I opened the window of my bedroom, leaned out and took a deep breath.

Suddenly I feel at ease.

Okay Cheryl you can do this, you’ve been in tougher situations..

I definitely needed that.

I took a deep breath again. I can feel the wind in my hair, the wind picked up my hair and it feels great.

I lay the window open for abit longer until the wind starts to feel abit chilly. I closed the window, turn on my night light, crashed onto my bed and let sleep consumed me.

But not before thinking that tomorrow will be a new story.


Haha poor Cheryl, each time she gets rid of the problem another one appears…

Anyways don’t you think that Aaron is being too  over protective? He needs to realise that her sister has to grow up and  learn these things. Even though I made him that way LOL.

I apologize for this chapter's lack of creativity and grammar errors. I do feel this chapter is a bit boring.

And also Some of you might be wondering does over protective brother really exists in this world? And the answer is yes example like my friend she has VERY protective brother, who asks her every of her guy friends, I feel bad for her and yet I envy her.

 Maybe I'll post the next chapter by next week or if I have any inspiration I would post it this Saturday.

Okay see you in the next chap bye ^_^






Your support what makes me want to continue J


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