Chap 9 Part 2

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*After the shower*

I walked out of the bathroom with my towel tie tightly, sat down in front of my huge mirror and brush the annoying tangles out of my hair.

Ugh! Tangles! Third biggest problem in the girls community! Well second are periods and the first are insecurities AKA boys.

After I was done brushing my hair, I picked out non matching panty ( imcluding non matching bra ) black jeans, grey t-shirt and blue zip sweat jacket.

I know I know, my choice of clothing are not fashionable but I prefer to wear what I like rather than what is the latest fashion.

After I finish prepping myself ( and yes I said prepping ) with my blue sweatjacket on my arm, I went downstairs to cook lunch.

As I went downstairs, Aaron was nowhere in sight.

Where could he be? I just saw him minutes ago ( AN chap 9 part 1 ) Suddenly I heard car engine roaring. Oh! That must be Aaron
'Pampering' his car again..

Seriously that brother of mine... I'm sure if you can marry your car, I'm sure they would be on honeymoon right now.


Okay.. Disturbing image

Then my stomach growled in hunger, signalling me that I should stop thinking and start cooking.

I walked into the kitchen, put the jacket on the dining chair and I've decided that I want to eat grilled cheese sandwich. So I took out the ingredients, turn on the stove, place the butter, bread, cheese and my secret ingredient brown sugar onto the heated pan. As minutes pass by cheese oozed out of the bread making me hungrier.

Finally after I was finish cooking, I put the two sandwiches onto each plate, one for me and one for Aaron.

Then I went outside bringing the two sandwiches with me and my theory was correct.

Aaron is fixing his car, oil splattered all over his white tanktop/singlet. Thats going to be a pain to wash it off, luckily this week and next week is his wash the clothes. Go me!

"Aaron!" I called out
"Yeah?" He questioned, his eyes still focus on fixing his beloved car.

I said " Stop for awhile, I made us GCS "

He turned to me and grinned. I know that this is his most favourite sandwich. Just about he was going to grab his sandwich his hands were dirty!

I turned the plate out of his reach and said " Aaron! Your hands are dirty. Wash your hands first! "

Aaron whined " But Chereeeee"


He glared at me ( I know he didnt mean it ) and when he was about to enter the house, I yelled " Use soap! "

He annoyingly yelled back " Yes mom! "

Seriously Aaron can be so immature sometimes but no matter what I still love him, after he is all I got now.

I sat down on our white bench beside the garage, lay down on of the sandwiches and ate mine. I can taste the brown sugar giving the sandwich a tinge of sweetness and yet mixed with the cheese saltiness, it gives a great combo.

My tastebuds are singing.

While I was savouring my sandwich, Aaron walked out of the house, sat down beside me and ate his.

He sigh " Man Chere "

He took another bite of the sandwich and said with a mouthful " You always make the best grilled cheese sandwich. What did you add to make it so good?"

But since he said with a mouthful what I heard is " Hu mak da bes gill cheese sandwiw. Wa di ya add to mak it tas so good? "

" Aaron don't talk with your mouth full I can't understand what you're saying " I said.

He look at me then back to his sandwich, shrug and ate again.


I continued eating as peaceful silence and birds chirping engulfing our surroundings.

" Thanks for the lunch Cher " he thanked me and went back to fixing his car.

I muttered a welcome as I picked up our plates and went inside to wash it.

After I was done washing it, I put on my sweat jacket, tie my shoes and went outside.

" Bye Aaron I'll be going now " I said.

" Wait Cher!" He called out.

Shoot! No doubt he's going to ask questions.

" Yes Aaron? " I flashes him my sweetest smile.

He narrowed his eyes at me " Where are you going ? "

" To do some shopping... Is there something wrong ? "

Technically I'm not lying so I think I'm fine.

" Oh nevermind then be safe!" He said as he turned his gaze back to his car.

I let out a huge breath that I didn't realized I was holding. Then I grabbed my bike and cycled off.

* Outside of the mall*

After I locked my bike with the bike secure thingy, I walked at the entrance of the Mall and waited.

Then I saw that my shoe lace became untied so I bent down to tied back.

Suddenly I felt something squeeze my behind, so I did something that any sane girl would do... I squealed.

" Eeek! " I squealed.

As I turned around to see my squeezer (?) I saw Ethan.

" Hey bunny " he smirked

" You sure have a nice plump a*s "

I blushed.

Oh gosh I can't wait to get this over with!




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