Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Dominic awoke to the face of his mother above him, wanting to know why he was still asleep when there were things to be doing. Groggily he pushed the sleep out of his mind, and started to shake himself awake, yawning widely, and stretching out his arms. He looked down, surprised he had fallen asleep in yesterday's clothes. He barely heard his mother as he walked into his bathroom and took a cold bath, completely waking him up now.

Everything seemed to have a clarity that seemed to be lacking yesterday. An ease to which he could do or say things, and they would be accepted, or at least considered and taken in by those he spoke with. He looked about his room, his mother was not in sight, but a set of clothes had been laid out on the bed for him. There was a note attached to the shirt. You have been asleep for two straight days. The culling is happening tonight, please wear this, and don't get it dirty. He read the note, and set it aside.

Looking at the clothes he was to wear, he could easily see that, wait... he checked what he needed to do mentally. After a short while of thinking as to what his responsibilities for the day were going to be, he donned the attire, and went down stairs. Maya had set out some cheese and sliced meats. He grabbed a roll from the pan that Maya was setting on the counter, tossing the hot roll from hand to hand to get it to cool down a bit. He hurried over to where the cheese and meat was, and ripped the roll open, tossing some cheese and beef in between the two halves of the roll.

The cheese started melting, and the savory scent of the meat filled his nostrils. He quickly chewed down the only food he had in two days, and turned his attention back to his wife. He put his arms around her waist from behind, kissing her cheek and hugging her gently, mindful of the life within her womb.

"Dominic, you need to hurry and be out the door. There are some final preparations to be had, and you have been asleep for two days." It was his mother, admonishing him for his lack of action in regards to being able to go ahead and finish setting things up for the Culling.

There was just some things left to do, and that was to gather the children. They were all to be taught what would happen during the ceremony, and made to understand that should they be chosen, they should see it as a great opportunity to see this for the shining light it was meant to be. They were to be chosen to save not only themselves, but others. He finished eating, and kissed Maya on the cheek, stopping at the door just long enough to call for his little Angel, and be out the door with her. Today was not going to be a simple day.

There was a lot to be done, and so little time in which to prepare. He needed to gather all of the children that were of age for the culling ceremony and explain to them what it is they would need to do. He got to the training course, and waited as the rest of the children started to file in. It was only a few minutes before the rest of the children were assembled and he could begin explaining.

"The time has come, children. You have been being watched, not by me, or anyone in the village. But you have been watched by Fate herself. And today Fate will make her selection of those who will be selected for specialized training. I want you all to know, that this in no way says anything about your potential. Fate chooses for herself, those that she deems worth taking the risks of life and death.

"This is the reason in which you have all been trained since you were young. I am not going to lie to you. Those of you who are chosen will undergo some of the fiercest training conditions imaginable, but it will make you into a team that can withstand even the greatest of adversaries. But you will also be recognized for individual training and combat." He had their attention. They were all hanging on his every word.

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