Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Dominic woke early the next morning to Avery tugging on his ear gently. "We must go, Master Dominic. The portal closes in thirty minutes for the first jump. I still need to be in stasis." He nodded, looking out the window, it was almost daylight. His journey could not be halted for anything. He slid from the bed without disturbing Maya, fully dressed, and threw on his boots, grabbed his bag, and walked out the door. In the still dim light of the early morning, before true morning, he bent down to look at Avery.

"Got everything you're going to need?"

"Yes, sir! I stayed up late tending the garden, I have some necessary samples that my relatives don't have, so there medicine can get better and some personal belonging. Will we be staying long enough so that I may find out what happened to Sebastian?"

Sebastian had been the mouse who was going to marry Avery before the incident fell out where they both needed to disappear. Dominic nodded to himself, reflecting on that night, and aloud he spoke to Avery, "There will be plenty of time to find out what happened to your long lost love, Avery. And moreover, if he still loves you, and has remained un-married all these years, I will see to it that you are wed together."

Avery was ecstatic, and started hopping up and down, clapping her little paws together. "Thank you, Dominic, thank you!" He smiled then, and passed his hand through the air, and Avery fell asleep instantly. He picked her up and placed her in what appeared to be in a small coffin, and placed it on the top of his bag, securing it with thongs, and making sure it wasn't going to move at all.

Placing his pack back on his shoulder, he turned to the east and started to jog off to a destination that would jump him one hundred miles distance. A quarter of the distance he needed to travel to reach his final destination. The only reason he couldn't teleport just once, was based on the range the portals could go. For the first jump, he would have to hit the other side running flat out, the dangers of not running were too great, but that happens when you set a portal in a lair of a monster. The return trip could be one teleport, but that's because his mother would be sending him back, and then following for the impending wedding.

The hair on the back of his neck began to stick up as he closed in on the first portal. His eyes sharpened, his nose flaring, sensing everything around him. His nostrils flared again, smelling everything about him in the open. He saw what was to be the first marker where the portal would be located, and started going all out, pumping his legs. He went to all fours to gather as much speed as possible, running headlong for the portal. His ears pinned back, right before he hit the portal, he closed his eyes so as to make it easier for his eyes to adjust to the coming darkness.

With a whooshing sound, and an electric thrill down his body, he opened his eyes to the still, cold darkness of the cave of the Dragon known as Dargoth. He was merciless, and he stopped at almost nothing if he knew he could catch his prey. His footsteps echoed in the surrounding cavern, bouncing back. He could not sense, nor smell the Dragon lurking nearby, and bolted in the direction of the entrance.

He slid around the corner, and slammed bodily into the side of the cavern wall. He didn't let the impact slow him down. He let the sudden stop show him to be a little more careful when turning. He continued running, right past the eye of the Dragon as it opened.

Fear was instilled in him at the thought of how close he just came to being chomped. He continued to run as he heard the Dragon begin to move about behind him. He didn't dare stop to look back, and continued to pound his way through the cavern, running for the exit, and the next portal. The dragon let out a billow of flame, and began to tromp after Dominic. It wasn't the first time that this had happened, and Dominic didn't think the dragon forgot the wounds he had inflicted the last time they had met.

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