Early Lovebirds [Nico di Angelo]

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It was early in the morning and you woke up on the ground. The pain on your side was unbearable but you managed to stand up. Falling out of your bed and landing on your not-so-healed side was the worst way to wake up. It was a good thing that your siblings are not light-sleepers. They didn't hear your loud groan.

You rolled up and lay on your bed but your eyes remained open. They refused to close and your mind refused to rest. You body wanted to do something.

You did a little exercise around your cabin. After the exercise, you tried laying down on your bed once again but your body still refused to rest. You kept walking around the entire cabin but your eyes won't close whenever you feel tired. You tried everything to go back to sleep but nothing worked.

Your eyes wandered around the cabin. Everyone was sleeping deeply. Some were even snoring loudly. If only you could go back to sleep like them. This has been happening for days now and the bags under your eyes are getting bigger. You don't even know why you can't go back to sleep.

You walked to the window near your bed. The sun wasn't up yet. What time is it anyway? Three or four in the morning? Maybe five. You checked the clock and found out that it was only five in the morning.

You were about to turn around when you noticed something moving from the corner of you mind outside your window, just passing by your cabin and to the forest. The person was familiar but with the hood on, you can't recognize him. 

You decided to ignore it but curiousity won over you. And you were always curious about almost everything. Besides, it may be a friend who needs comfort.

You fixed your hair, grabbed your favorite jacket, hurried into the forest and followed whoever he was.

You hid behind bushes and trees. You were making sure that you were very far away from him to make sure that he won't see you but close enough to see him.

The wind was blowing softly but it felt a little bit cold. The boy seems to ignore the feeling. He kept walking, hands in pocket and head bowing. His eyes focused on the ground, never even bothering to turn around to see what was happening around him. Not that there was anything going around him. Except for you following him, though. There weren't even harpies in the area. Weird.

From time to time he would nod his head or maybe mumble something in the air like he was talking to someone. Wait, was he?

When you were a few feet away from the person, you noticed that the shadows seems to be bending over him. His dark outfit blended with the darkness like he was part of the shadows.

That's when you recognized him.

It was Nico di Angelo.

You have seen him a couple of times around camp. Sometimes in the forest wandering around, up a tree whistling to birds, humming the tunes of songs or burying himself in his deep thoughts that the world around him seems to dissolve in his own thoughts. Sometimes, he doesn't even know what was going on around him. It was like he was inside his own imaginary world.

You have never talked to the son of Hades, much less, make any kind of contact. You never even tried walking near him. It was like you two were maintaining a distance between each other. You never knew why even though you've got thousands of questions to ask him.

You were about to leave him in his own thoughts when he mumbled something again. You turned around to see who he was talking to. You could see something shining dimly beside him. Was it a figure of a girl? You couldn't see it clearly but you could've sworn you saw a figure of a girl beside him. Was it a ghost?

Slowly, Nico turned around and faced to the bush you were hiding. Did he knew?

"I know you're out there," Nico said loud enough for you to hear. "I know that you've been following me in the past minute. Come out or I will force you to come out of your hiding place."

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