Wind passes through the cold steel chains,
Cracking of ice as the rubber seat strains under my weight,
My shoes fling the bark away as they propel me into the sky,
Rush of the cool breeze nums my face,
Gravity-defying device sways me back and forth,
Reins too cold to hold I simply let go,
Force we call gravity takes me a hold and flings me off,
Ground coming closer,
Grass breaks my fall,
Blackness of sleep surrounds me again,
Playground drifting slowly away*writers note*
This ones more peaceful wrote this couple years back but yea
Stories of my thoughts
Teen Fiction*trigger warning* *dont read if you do not like readin about suicide, death or depression* This is all about sad stories that I have thought of. Some of them are true some aren't My insta is: cammy_cat just follow and then request to message me the...