Chapter Thirteen: Art Appreciation

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Three days later, Bokuto announces the results of his test over dinner. "I'm all clear, so. We can, uh, do other stuff. If you still want to, I mean."

"I still want to," Keiji says. "Though, I do have two more things to mention before we go further."

"What's that?"

"First, to be clear, I don't expect exclusivity with this arrangement. If you want to pursue other people, you are perfectly free to do so. I would only ask that if you do have sex with someone else, you refrain from activities with me until you get tested again."

"Oh, sure. I, uh, don't really plan on hooking up with anyone else though," Bokuto says. Then he chews on his lip and asks, "Do you? Wanna hook up with other people, I mean?"

"No, not particularly," Keiji replies. "I find I'm exhausted enough just trying to keep up with you."

"AGHAA-wait. Is that a complaint or a compliment?"


Bokuto lets out a confused huff. "AGHAASHEE! What's that supposed to mean?"

"Don't think too much about it," Keiji says, holding back a smile before getting serious again. "The second thing I wanted to say, I suppose is actually more of a question." More of a worry, really, and Keiji has been hesitant to ask, but he hopes the answer will settle some of his insecurities.

"I've been wondering... why do you want to do this with me? I'm sure it wouldn't be difficult for you to find other partners. Someone you wouldn't have to teach. Someone who would be less complicated to deal with."

"Well, maybe. But I dunno. Probably the same reason you wanna do this with me."

"And what reason do you think that is?"

He shrugs. "We're friends, and I'm comfortable with you. I trust you."

Keiji already knows this is one of Bokuto's weaknesses-he's too trusting. He lets himself be too open, too vulnerable, and Keiji's not sure he even realizes this about himself.

"You trust too easily," Keiji informs him.

"Yeah, I know," Bokuto sighs, sounding a little frustrated. "It's gotten me pretty hurt in the past." Ah, so he does realize it. "But with you-it's like I said before, you're real honest. You're not afraid to tell me if I'm doing something wrong or pissing you off, and you're not gonna lie and pretend to like me more than you do. Stuff like that."


"And it's convenient too, since we live together! Like with volleyball I don't have time for dating and I'm not really into hooking up with people I don't know, so this is kinda perfect? And everything we've done so far has been really good, like the chemistry between us, you know?"

"Hmm," Keiji says again, which is a pretty tepid reply considering he's almost overcome with relief that they really are on the same page about all this, that Keiji isn't alone in feeling the physical magnetism between them, that Bokuto has actually put thought into this and isn't just going along with it because Keiji asked. That Bokuto wants this, just as much as Keiji does.

"Plus, you're really hot!" Bokuto declares, and Keiji finds himself fighting an unexpected blush. "And I know you think I am too," he goes on smugly. "I've seen the way you look at me, so don't try to deny it!"

"I won't."

"Good," he grins. "I've worked hard on my body, so I like that you appreciate it."

"Then I'll be sure to thoroughly appreciate it," Keiji informs him. "After dinner."

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