Chapter Twenty Four: Adore You

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They stay right there on their living room floor for a while, exchanging kisses and soft touches and whispered words, like they're both trying to convince themselves this isn't a dream-it's real, this is happening. When they've come down a bit from the heightened emotions of their confessions, they move up to the couch.

Bokuto is chewing on his lip, curiously quiet as they settle down.

"What are you thinking?" Keiji asks, squeezing Bokuto's hand. They sit pressed close together. It would take the literal apocalypse to drag him from Bokuto's side at this point. (And probably not even then.)

"I guess I'm just wondering what this means for us," Bokuto says after a moment. "Like, are we in a relationship now? Are you sure you-want this?"

Keiji swallows and hesitates, because he's not sure about the relationship part, he's still fucking terrified of what that entails. But- "I'm sure I love you."

"That doesn't really answer the question..."

"No, I suppose it doesn't," he says with a sigh. He runs his fingers over the grooves of Bokuto's knuckles, fiddling with Bokuto's hands instead of his own. What is he so scared of? Maybe he can work through this with logic.

"Bokuto-san, what do you think would change about our situation if we were in a relationship?"

"Umm... huh," he says, pushing his lips together in thought. "I guess... we could go out on dates sometimes? And we'd be exclusive? Like, officially."

Keiji nods in acknowledgement. "Anything else?"

"Umm, well, we could maybe tell people we're dating? And... uh, I dunno..."


"Exactly what?" Bokuto frowns a little. "I don't get it."

"It wouldn't be much of a change," Keiji says, processing the realization. "We're practically in a relationship already, we've just been kind of stupid about it. Mostly me," he amends. "I've been stupid about it. I was always so sure I would never be able to fit a boyfriend into my life, but you already fit. I thought this would be too difficult, but with you, it's always been easy."

"Boyfriend?" Bokuto asks tentatively. "Are you-does that mean you're my boyfriend now?" The question overflows with hope, and Keiji feels a tugging in his chest. He loves this man so fucking much.

"I still don't know how to do this," Keiji warns, hesitant, apologetic. "I might be a terrible boyfriend."

"You won't be!" Bokuto is quick to assure. "And even if you are, I don't care! Be my terrible boyfriend!"

"You should have higher expectations," Keiji chastises mildly. "But I'd like to be your boyfriend, if you'll have me."

"Yes! I want-yes!"

"Then, please take care of me."

Bokuto pulls his hands free so he can hold Keiji's face instead. "Of course I will!"

Keiji lifts his own hand to stroke Bokuto's cheek. "And I'll take care of you."

They move in at the same time, lips meeting in the middle, urgent and soft all at once. It feels like a new beginning. It feels like coming home.

"What about you?" Keiji asks when they pull away to catch their breaths. "Are you sure you want a relationship? You always said you didn't want one, either."

"Yeah," Bokuto says slowly, considering. "I guess it's like, I don't want a relationship in general. Like if we weren't together it's not something I'd go lookin for. But if it's you, I want it. I really really want it. I want everything with you, Kaashi."

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