Chapter Fifteen: Research Methods

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Keiji wakes up Sunday morning far more excited than he usually does, even for a day off. The last few nights, Bokuto and Keiji have had hardly any time together, but today they'll have hours and hours with nothing else demanding their attention. Keiji is practically buzzing with anticipation.

Bokuto still has morning practice, so Keiji drinks his coffee in the quiet apartment and finishes up his last few assignments for the weekend. He's getting ahead on his reading for Modern Japanese Lit when he hears keys turning in the front door.

"Aghasheee! I'm hoooome!" Bokuto calls as he lets himself in and makes his way down the hall. When he gets to the living room he practically leaps onto the couch, manhandling Keiji into an affectionate hug and nuzzling his face into Keiji's neck, placing a few soft kisses there.

"Welcome home, Bokuto-san," Keiji says, dropping his book so he can run his fingers through Bokuto's hair, absently breaking pieces free from their gelled-up position. Even when Bokuto showers after practice he either doesn't get his hair wet or re-styles it immediately, so Keiji only ever sees Bokuto with his hair down in their apartment. He likes that, though; likes that he's the only one who gets to see Bokuto that way.

"How was practice?"


Keiji glances at the clock. "Was it not at the same time as usual?"

"Felt longer," Bokuto says, letting his hands slip up Keiji's shirt, pressing fingers into his skin. "Been thinking about this all morning. Took a set to the face earlier 'cause I was so distracted."

Keiji huffs out a laugh. "I see. Were you thinking about anything in particular?"

Bokuto hums and leans in to kiss Keiji's neck again, and for a second it seems he's not going to answer, but then his breath is hot against Keiji's ear as he asks in a low voice, "Can I finger you?"

Keiji feels himself blushing. Bokuto might be shy about discussing sexual things over the dinner table, but Keiji is the one who gets flustered when Bokuto's lips are brushing his skin as he tells Keiji exactly what he wants to do like it's a dirty little secret.

"Okay," Keiji says, and he finds he's more eager than nervous, even though they've never done this before. They've done just about everything else they can do without any kind of penetration. But this-this will be new.

"Okay," Bokuto echoes into Keiji's skin, and Keiji can feel him grinning against his neck. "Bed?"

"Bed," Keiji confirms, and then Bokuto is scooping him up and carrying him down the hall to his room.

They fall onto the mattress together, kissing each other deeply and pulling apart only to remove articles of clothing. When they're both down to their underwear, Bokuto leans over to rummage through the bedside table for the bottle of lube.

"Have you done this to yourself before?" he asks.

"I have," Keiji admits. "Though not often."

"Do you not like it?"

"No, it's more that the, ah, angle is awkward," Keiji explains. "It's difficult to make myself feel good that way."

Bokuto grins. "I think I can help with that."

"Hmm. We'll see," Keiji says mildly, like his dick isn't throbbing at the thought.

Bokuto's eyes flash at the implied challenge. He grabs Keiji by his hips to position him as he sees fit, then he peels off Keiji's boxer briefs, tossing them aside before hitching one of Keiji's legs over his shoulder. Keiji watches, biting his lip to hold back a smile at Bokuto's expression of focus. It's a familiar thing now, having Bokuto like this between his thighs.

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