Chapter Nineteen: Gift Wrapping

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For Keiji's birthday, Bokuto gives him a book he's been wanting, a very nice set of black shibari ropes, and three orgasms.

He even wears his kneepads for a round, which Keiji very much enjoys, even if he does belatedly discover an unintended consequence. He's between Bokuto's thighs, fingers slipping under the edge of the compression sleeve so he can pull the material and let it snap back against Bokuto's skin when he realizes: he is never going to be able to watch Bokuto play volleyball again without remembering this and getting aroused.

Still. Future public erections aside, it's a pretty great birthday.

Afterwards, they're lying in bed, because they've spent nearly the entire day in bed, and Keiji is staring absently at Bokuto's bookshelf when he thinks to ask, "How did you know I wanted that book?"

"You mentioned it last week!" Bokuto says, kissing his shoulder. His chest is pressed to Keiji's back, bare skin against bare skin. "You were complaining about the library waitlist being super long, so I figured you'd probably like gettin to read it sooner!"

"You remembered that?" Keiji barely remembers that-it had only been an offhand comment over dinner.

"I have a great memory!" Bokuto boasts.

"Then please remember to pay the electricity bill on time."

"Akaashi!" Bokuto wails, shaking him a little. "That was one time! Akaashi! Why do you only remember bad things?"

Bokuto's reaction is so overdramatic, Keiji isn't quick enough to hold back his laugh. A real laugh, not the breathy huff he usually does, but one that shakes his shoulders, loud and uncontrolled. He has an awful laugh-someone once told him that-so he makes every effort to never let these sounds escape him. His brain must really be mush after all those orgasms to allow this to happen.

Bokuto gasps and leans his head over Keiji's shoulder like he's trying to hear better. "I made Akaashi laugh!" he cheers. "Wow, I really am the best!"

And Keiji pinches Bokuto's arm and presses his face into the pillow to hide, but he can't stop laughing, and Bokuto just tightens his hold around Keiji's waist and grins against his neck.

Over the next week, Keiji spends some time researching how to properly tie knots and practicing with his ropes. By Sunday, he's buzzing with anticipation to show off all he's learned. They have a free afternoon and a fresh bottle of lube. They have safewords, and scissors on the bedside table in case they need to quickly cut the ropes.

They're ready.

"Tell me right away if anything hurts or feels wrong."

Bokuto nods eagerly as Keiji straddles him and starts winding the rope around his chest. The pattern he chose is perhaps a bit complex for a beginner, but Keiji couldn't resist-as soon as he saw the design of knotted triangles across the chest and arms bound behind the back, he knew he had to see Bokuto like this.

He's gentle and diligent as he works, and Bokuto is uncharacteristically still as he watches. Keiji is starting to theorize that Bokuto likes the act of being tied up more than he actually likes being restrained. Keiji sitting in his lap, focused entirely on Bokuto, touching him all over as he carefully knots the rope-that's what Bokuto likes most about this, if his erection pressing up against Keiji is any indication.

When he finishes with the binding, Keiji leans back to admire his work. It's everything he hoped it would be. Bokuto looks so fucking good like this. All wrapped up, like the best birthday gift Keiji has ever received.

He runs his hands down Bokuto's chest, fingers brushing against skin then rope then skin again. "You feel okay? Nothing's too tight or uncomfortable?"

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