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Ariel scribbled something in Arielle and smiled to herself . Arielle is Ariel's pen friend . Since the day Ariel got diagnosed with brain tumor , she wrote her innermost feelings in a diary which she named Arielle . The name Arielle is a synonym of Ariel .

Ariel kept Arielle aside . Then she called a nurse and asked her  to call Aiden . The nurse went away to bring Aiden . After a while Aiden came to Ariel's room with  nurse's assistance .

Today Aiden looked pale and weak. Ariel asked Aiden,"Hey buddy what's wrong , are you alright ?". Aiden smiled weakly and he replied ," My countdown has begun , I won't survive longer , treatments are not helping much".

Ariel felt a string of her heart pulled , she controlled her tears and said," Hey mate chill , we both are sailing in the same boat leading to the final destination , you are not alone Aiden". A nod came from Aiden in reply. Ariel then said," Hey Aiden you can too make a wish list and fulfill it . Fulfilling wishes is just so satisfactory , you will forget all your pain when you will fulfill your wishes .

Aiden replied ," I wish  to stay happy till my last breath. Whenever I make you laugh or I help you in fulfilling your wish, I feel my heart filled with pure happiness ". Ariel's eyes moistened listening to selfless Aiden .

Ariel said wiping her tears, " If it is so then Aiden help me in fulfilling my next wish ". Aiden gave a huge grin in response . Ariel then said ," My next wish is to be a HOPE and save a life !". Aiden questioned  , " Ariel how can you be  a hope and  save a life , I mean you and I are also dying ". Ariel replied ," We can't save our life but we can definitely save other  life by becoming someone's  HOPE". Aiden nodded and he said ,"I too would like to save one life with my efforts. Saving a life will give me so much peace ".

For next one hour Aiden and Ariel thought of how  could they save a life respectively . Aiden's  face lit up as an idea strike his mind . Aiden then exclaimed ," I will write a vlog regarding the early symptoms of Pancreatic cancer, it's treatment and how to deal with cancer specially when  it is terminal ". Ariel replied
" That's  a great idea, Aiden go for it ".

Ariel was still unable to think of an idea by which she could save a life . Aiden then suggested," You could go for Organ donation Ariel this would save a life ". Ariel looked Aiden with a sad face and replied ,"Malignant Cancer patient can't donate organs ". Aiden then replied hopefully  ," Don't worry Ariel , you will definitely get a way to save a life ". Ariel nodded her head . At this very instant Rayan came to Ariel's  room .

Rayan was beaming with happiness and he had his laptop in his hands. Ariel asked ,"Hey bro what's up ? ". Rayan replied ,"Ariel congratulations you have a million subscribers  for  your you tube channel , people are liking the videos we posted and we have got thousands of comments for each video  . Ariel's eyes became the size of saucer in astonishment . Rayan then showed Ariel the comments and likes which ARIEL channel was gaining on you tube .

Ariel laughed at a few comments .Rayan asked," Sissy which comment made you laugh ? . Ariel pointed towards the comment and Rayan read it aloud .

Sleeping Beauty : Hey Ariel! You look cute with bald head , you are lucky to attend your parent's wedding . I have an annoying brother like yours but your brother Rayan is kinda handsome , can I date him?.

After reading this comment Rayan looked irritated and he exclaimed ," I am ain't annoying , secondly I am ain't single!". Ariel and Aiden laughed together at Rayan's cute adorable reaction. Ariel's eyes then caught a comment and her eyes beamed with joy . Rayan then read this comment aloud .

Lucifer 111: Hello Ariel ! You are a strong girl . I feel happy when I see your videos . Recently I got diagnosed with clinical depression . I suffer with  anxiety and I have constant suicidal thoughts .I request you to make a video on how to fight depression , anxiety and be happy in every difficult situation of life as this would help a lot of people like me to get hope to live.

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