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Now 10 days have passed . Within these 10 days Kate and Casey have paid several visits to Ariel so that they  can   see her , talk to her. Although Ariel can't speak or move but still presence of them   give peace to Ariel and vice versa Ariel's face give peace to Kate and Casey .

Kate's P.O.V starts...

These days I try to capture Ariel in my eyes forever . I try to talk about the time we have spent together. The idea of  loosing  Ariel is  still not settling in my sub conscious but I know it's all the play of destiny which has to be accepted because denial is again more painful when  reality is harsh  .

Kate's P.O.V ends...

Casey's P.O.V starts...

Our friendship with Ariel is like a dream and her ailment is like a nightmare . The mere thought of loosing Ariel gives shivers to my soul . The idea of death has always created fear inside me but now I am not afraid of death because now I completely understand that Death is inevitable and it is a natural process . Death is universal to every living thing . I know death of a loved one is hard , loosing Ariel will be tough but somehow we will  accept what the fate will throw at us .

Casey's P.O.V ends...

Kate and Casey found Ariel's diary Arielle . They opened it and they read Ariel 's seventh and the final wish . Their eyes became watery after reading it  . Rayan and Ryma too felt emotional when they read Ariel's final wish . Ariel was sleeping due to weakness and medicines , Rayan took Ariel's thin palms in his hands and he said softly ," Your last wish will get fulfilled with full enthusiasm , love you sissy ".

After 3 days all the efforts were made and all preparations were done for the seventh wish  . Ariel was unware that her family and friends were about to fulfill her next wish. Ariel felt extremely sad when no one came to her room . She thought that everyone left her alone as they could not see her in pain further , for the whole day Ariel felt remorse , tears escaped her eyes whenever she remembered the old golden time when she was healthy and lived happily with her family and friends .

At evening the nurse Miss Catherine who took care of Ariel came to Ariel's room and she softly woke up Ariel from sleep . Then she said ,"Dear I guess you need some fresh air , today I will take you outside to the back garden of the hospital ". Then with the  help of  few other nurses and ward boys Ariel's bed was set up outside in the garden . Ariel looked at the pink and golden balloons placed beautifully on the green grass of the garden . A podium with pink roses stood in front of Ariel's bed .

After a few moments  Rayan came to the podium , he wore a white shirt which Ariel gifted him on his birthday last year . He spoke out," Ariel dear we all love you so much . Your friends sneaked in your dairy and they saw your seventh  final wish , You wished that no one should cry giving emotional speeches on your funeral , so today we will say whatever we would have said in your funeral . I know that sounds weird but yeah in  this way your wish to have a peaceful funeral with no sadness and remorse will get accomplished .Secondly , we will together cry and laugh today while saying our words of honour to you . Fun fact you will hear whatever we think about you which would have not been possible if these heartfelt words were said on your funeral day.

So , my dear sissy I felt jealous of you when you were born , I tried every possible way to make go away from my life . I tried to drown you in the ocean , I am so sorry for that . After realising my mistake I prayed to God to give you back to me and my prayers got answered . Life is so strange , today no matter how much I pray for you , Ariel you won't get life extension . Sissy, length of life does not matter, quality of life matters  . A life which gives others a reason to smile , a life which gives others a reason or inspiration to live is the best life lived .

Sissy you gave smiles to others , inspired other people to live life that  means you lived the best life . I will miss  you immensely when you will leave us  but I promise that even then I won't stop teasing you by  eating all the ice cream alone , by barging in your room without knocking and every night I will tease you by sticking out my tongue at the brightest star  because I know you will shine the brightest in the sky . Gracias Ariel for being my sister and my secret keeper .Much love from me and Ryma".

Next Ryma came to the podium and she  spoke,"Hey Ariel I have met you just a few days ago but I have developed a great bond with you . You are a wonderful person and the best sister in law who is more like a friend to me , you will always remain in my heart ,Gracias Ariel for becoming an important part of my life ".

Then Alice came to the podium and she spoke her heart out," Ariel my dear you are a  precious gift given pto me by the lord . All the pain that  tolerated to give birth to you was all  worth it because you are the best daughter that any mother desires for . Cancer news shook you but still you paid heed to my advice and you lived your life to the fullest even when each day of  your life were  becoming painful due to the cancer , you have  inspired so many people , you saved  many lives , I feel grateful to you Ariel for making me a proud mother . Gracias Ariel, mommy loves you to infinity .

Then  Daniel came  to the podium , his eyes were already wet and he started speaking with a heavy voice," Hey my angel daughter , you brought happiness to my life . I was about to lose when you were just av 4 month old baby but God granted you life and can't really thank God enough  for the precious gift he granted me in your form .

I named you Ariel  because  I thought you were lioness of God, brave and beautiful . Today you have shown how right I was in naming you Ariel because you are my beautiful 18 year old daughter who have fought and faced cancer with bravery .Daddy loves you  Ariel , Gracias Ariel for  being daddy's  little angel " .

Then came Kate's turn  and she said ,
" I know you Ariel since last 12 years of my life . You are the gem which only few  people get to meet and I am the lucky one to know and live with you  for beautiful 12 years . You have redefined  the meaning of life for me  as the most precious resource which needs  to be valued and nurtured with positivity".

Casey came to speak after Kate and she said  ,"Ariel as you already  know I am not a good speaker but still bear hearing me today  . I know you since last 10 years , I was an introvert who was  too socially awkward and shy . You made me loosen my invisible shell by talking to me when no one wanted to befriend me as everyone saw me as an antisocial element .

Ariel I will miss you a lot , but I promise that I will keep improving on my social skills by  interacting to you through  writing a diary to  you even after your  departure ,Gracias Ariel for being patient with a silent rock like me and thank you for  being my bestie ".

As everyone gave their speeches and Ariel's last wish got fulfilled  or rather the gratitude ceremony got over , Ariel's eyes  had tears of joy , happiness , gratitude and a slight pinch of sadness in them .

Everyone then  turn by turn hugged Ariel . Alice and Daniel kissed Ariel's forehead . The air got filled with happiness and gloom. Happiness for fulfilling Ariel's wishes and gloom for Ariel's much predictable end approaching near .

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