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It's been a few days and deku and I took days off of school so and only all might and Aizawa sensei know why. Yesterday the doctor told us that the kid only had there father but sadly he passed almost immediately, the kids are lucky to be alive they both broke bones and the youngest was in a coma for 2 days. The oldest isn't as bad but she's pretty bad. Nezu has allowed deku and I to take care of the kids once they are out of the hospital. He even got people to build a house for us of course with there quirk though. "Mr. Kacchan" I look up an see the little boy sitting, I smile and hold a finger up "one second bud" he nods and I run to the door. And see the doctor on his way here "Oi Doctor the kids up" I say as calmly as I can, I'm glad he awake honestly overjoyed. I walk in smiling and look at him " what did you need" he starts crying and I hug him, "is Maharo Okay" I smile and nod "your sisters All healed up and with deku getting food" he smile then looks at me confused "who's deku" I smile "I'll call him here okay" he nods and smiles, I walk to the other side of the room as the doctor looks at him and I call Deku.

D- is he okay kacchan
K- Yeah he woke up
D- wait really
K- yep
D- kacchan stop messing with me
K- Deku he awake now get your a- butt in the room
D- Okay

I put my phone in my pocket and walk to the boy only to get interrupted by deku slamming the door open with a little girl in his arms. As soon as he see him awake he puts the girl down and she runs up to him. "Katsuma your awake"
The girl says in tears, Deku walk upto me silently crying, I can already tell he care a lot for them. I hug him so he can calm down, he immediately hugs back. "Maharo who's gonna take care of us" Katsuma asks as he looks at his sister sadly, with that she get sad too. We didn't tell her since we wanted to tell them at the same time. "I don't know katsuma" I look at deku smiling as he wipes the tears off his face. They look at deku and I looking at them "thank you for saving us and trying to save papa" Deku and I nod at them smiling "Maharo...Katsuma" they looked at deku and I confused I smiled a genuine smile "your gonna stay with us" Deku finishes and they look at us surprised "don't worry we are not trying to replace your father... we're just gonna take care of you" The girl looks at us confused "isn't that illegal" deku and I nod "yes but since we're close to hero's we got the okay from them" I say, they look at us and smile. A week later Aizawa said we had to start school again. We agreed and started going to schools again the house was finished today so Deku and I finally signed the adoption papers and moved in to the house. Since it was luckily a weekend Deku and I decided to go to our parent to see if they had any from when we were 5 and 7, we knocked on auntie inkos door first. "Hello izuku, katsuki" we both smile and nod "hello mom/auntie" we both say as we walk in, we notice the kids aren't next to us anymore so we looked outside the door and found them hugging outside the door. Deku smiles and leans down "it okay that's just my mom" they look at me and I nod. The kids smiled and grabbed our hands, we went back inside the house and saw that auntie was in the living room. "Mom kacchan and i have people we want you to meet" Deku says with a smile.

Inko pov

"Mom kacchan and i have people we want you to meet" I hear Izuku say "okay Izuku one second" I say as I finish folding my clothes, I stand up and turn around to see katsuki and Izuku holding 2 children. "Izuku who are they" Izuku looks at me smiling "This is Maharo and she is 7" he says pointing to the little girl in katsuki arms. "and this is katsuma and he is 5" he says smiling while pointing to the little boy in his arms "kacchan and I adopted them" I gasp them smile "so there my grandchildren" I say Izuku smiles "if they want to call you that" I smile and nod.

Katsuki pov

We all sit in the couch and start talking about stuff while Katsuma and Maharo go through Dekus old stuff. Katsuma runs over with an action figure of all might "woah... do they sell any of these of you mr Kacchan and mr. Izuku" we look at them and smile "not yet but they are getting made" Katsuma smiles and runs over to Maharo and starts playing with her. "Mom do you think you got any clothes for katsuma and Maharo from when I was there age" Deku asks smiling auntie smiles back and nods "I have an all might onesie, and I think a red shirt with a few shorts" Deku smiles "Okay is it in my room" Auntie smiles and nods deku and I get u and start to go to his room. Deku stops and start talking to his mom again "mom don't tell auntie mitsuki we at going to go see her and I want to see her reaction to the kids" I see auntie nod so I smile and grab Dekus hand and drag him to his old room.

986 words. Hope you enjoyed!!! Love y'all

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