The confusing attack

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Time skip 2 weeks later

"Deku katsuma, maharo foods ready" kacchan yells while sitting food on the table "come on pops let go eat" I smile at Maharo and get dragged by katsuma "okay okay" I smile and pick them up and walk down stairs "hey dad pops said that he save 2 other children as well" kacchan smiled and nodded "yep Eri and Kota" they smile wide and we sit down at the table eating "can we me-" suddenly there was a crashing sound from upstairs kacchan and I grab the children. Kacchan calls aizawa and I call all might, next thing we see is "SHIGARAKI" kacchan yells "Look at Izu-kun he so cute I wonder what his blood taste like" toga says creepily, shhigaraki looks at katsuma in kacchans hands and grin "give me that child" he says pointing to him, I glare "your not taking him tenko" I yell shigaraki looks at me with a taken back look "why do you all look confused" shigaraki walks closer pointing at me "how do you know my name" I look at him while I slightly turn my head "tenko you called me tenko" I look at him confused "I don't know why but it must've came off you remind me of my- wait a minute tenko is your name" "well It is but how'd you kn-" "I AM HERE" "god shut up all might" they look over at shigaraki pointing at me and me and Kacchan looking at him confused, "what's going on here" I look over and smile "all might Aizawa" Maharo and katsuma run to all might and aizawa. "Izuku Midoryia how do you know my real name" shigaraki says confused "I don't know it my cousins name and I guess you remind me of him since he... and... of course... he..." i kept mumbling facts about my missing cousin "Okay please stop it annoying" I look up and blush "sorry tenko" he looks at me confused and nods "I wanted to kidnap a child so that's what I'm gonna do" I glare at him "what are yo-" i charge one for all quickly and punch him hard enough to knock him out for an hour. "Don't touch them tenko" I glare at the unconscious body then look up and smile "sorry" they looked at me shocked then smiled "it's alright but you guys will have to move back into the dorms" "what about the kids" aizawa sighs and looks at us "there's an extra floor with 4 or 5 dorms so you could change it around" we nods and smile "is there a bathroom and kitchen" I say nervously and I get a nod back from aizawa "I'll inform the students to go out and 'hang' for an hour to or three so you two can pack up and move. We nod and smile and grab the kids and run upstairs to start packing our stuff first the kids then kacchan and I went to our room and packed our stuff up, kacchan looked at me smiling and gave me a hug "I love you damn deku" I smile and kiss his cheek "love you too Pomeranian" kacchan growls and squeezes me, I smile and turn around kacchan continues to hug me from behind as I finish packing. kacchan let go of me only to spin me around and hug me as he planted a kiss on my lips. "Scary" kacchan glares at me "whats scary" i smile and kiss kacchan quickly "Your being clingy" kacchan growled at me and was about to speak till he got interrupted "hehe pops called dad scary" maharo starts laughing while rolling on the floor. Kacchan glares but smiled almost immediately "Im very scary I eat little children" kacchan says as he runs to the two kids standing in the door way. They quickly run away giggling, i smile and took my phone out and took a picture. Kacchan looked at me and smiled picking up the children, "let's talk to Aizawa about when we can move in" i nod and text aizawa.

M-is everyone out can we move in now
A- yes hurry up though
M- Okay aizawa sensei
End of messages

"We can now let's go" I say while picking up two suitcases, kacchan picks up two as well and the kids pick up their own. I smile and we head to our dorms.

738 word. Thank you for the suggestions I hope you enjoyed. I love y'all

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