Do you love me?

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Adore had once again went out and convinced the others to come with her, except Phi Phi and Manila.

Phi Phi took that time as an opportunity to spend time with Manila. After checking if her makeup still looked good she walked over to where Manila was, sitting beside her.

"Well this is convenient." Manila giggled. "Yup." Phi Phi nodded. "I have something to ask you." Phi Phi said. "What is it?" Manila raised a brow.
Phi Phi looked away, she didn't really had the balls to look at Manila in the eyes, which she thought was very dumb. "You know I like you, right?" Phi Phi asked. "Yes, why?" Manila asked, feeling a bit concerned, was Phi Phi not happy? She asked herself.

"Well, do you like me?" Phi Phi asked. "Of course." Manila answered. "Is something wrong?" Manila asked.
"No, No, I just feel like I shouldn't feel a certain way." Phi Phi said. "Its too early."

Manila thought about what Phi Phi said, she wasn't dumb like those movie protagonist, she put two and two together and came to the conclusion that Phi Phi loved her, if Phi Phi was fine that was the only conclusion.

Manila knew some people who thought thay you only start loving a person atleast a few months in the relationship but Manila was mixed on it, she figured Phi Phi probably was one of those people who thought that way.

Manila couldnt help but ask the question. "Do you love me?"

That made Phi Phi look at Manila, obviously thinking on what to answer, both answers could get a negative response but she decided that being truthful would be best and that Manila wouldnt get mad or anything.

"I love you." Phi Phi said and Manila couldnt help but smile. "I love you too." Manila responded, making Phi Phi smile now.

"Is that what you thought was wrong?" Manila asked. "I guess." Phi Phi responded. "That's a dumb thing to be nervous about." Manila chuckled. "But it's okay because you're cute." Manila teased.

"Shut up." Phi Phi giggled at Manila.
"The only way for me to shut up is if you kiss me." Manila tilted her head with a smile. "You're clever." Phi Phi smiled and leaned in to kiss Manila, Manila kissed back.

After a long kiss they pulled away from one another. "I love you." Phi Phi smiled. "I love you too." Manila responded with another smile.
The first I love yous, cutest chapter imo.

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