Logan Barry, Sir (No ship) - Hamilton AU

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-I'm so sorry. I am pure hamiltrash and I've wanted to do this for a while. If you haven't seen the show, I suggest you do. !Warning! Mentions of Smut.-


new york city

A young man with freckles and glasses was walking around the center of New York City, looking for a specific person. He was going around to everyone when he came up to a man about his age with slicked-back raven-black hair and rectangle glasses. He tapped the man's shoulder.

"Pardon me, are you Logan Barry, sir?" Logan looked around and saw a small man, about his age, asking the question. 

"That depends," Logan said. "Who's asking?" the small man smiled.

I found him! he thought. The little man smiled nervously. "Oh sure, sir! I'm Patton Cooper!" The two shook hands and Logan raised his eyebrow. "I'm at your service sir! I have been looking for you!" Logan smiled.

"I'm getting nervous..." He said. He talks quite a bit. 

"Sir..." Patton continued, "I heard your name at Princeton. I was taking an accelerated course of study when I got out of sorts with a buddy of yours. I may have punched him...." He said the last part quietly, and then quickly added "It's a blur, sir." Patton tried to recall what happened. "He handles the financials...?"

"you punched the bursar," Logan asked. It was stated more like a statement. Patton snapped and said "YES!" more excitedly than Logan would have liked. 

Logan stifled a laugh at the thought of his bursar, Janus Appleton, on the ground, punched by someone who looked like they wouldn't be able to break a noodle in half.

"I wanted to do what you did!" Patton continued, snaping Logan out of his thoughts. "Graduate two and join the revolution! The snake looked at me like I was stupid. I'm not stupid." He looked at Logan, ready to find out his secret. "So how did you do it?! How'd you graduate so fast?!" Logan gave Patton a sad look.

"It was my parent's dying wish before they passed."

Patton's smile grew even wider. Finally! Someone who understands me! "You're an orphan! Of course! Gosh! I wish there was a war that we can prove that we are worth more than anyone bargained for!" Logan hesitated, this response not really expected.

"Can I buy you a drink?" Logan asked. preferably nothing with alcohol or caffeine knowing your energy. 

"That would be nice," Patton said, sheepish, and shy as he remembered that the two of them were in the middle of New York City and people were giving them strange looks. 

"While we're talking," Logan said. "May I offer you some free advice?" Patton nodded eagerly, ready to learn, and not know what was about to hit him.

"Talk less," Logan stated.

"What?" Patton asked, confused.

"Smile more," Logan said. The real reason that he didn't run off was that he hadn't seen anyone smile as much as Patton. Logan was actually enjoying it. Patton laughed a little. "Don't let them know what your against or what you're for." Patton's smile disappeared.

"You can't be serious." 

"you want to get ahead?" Logan asked. Patton nodded. "Fools who run their mouths off wind up dead."

Before the two of them knew it, they were in a nearby bar. In the corner of the bar was a group of three men getting drunk in the corner and doing some sort of rap battle.

"AY YO YO YO YO! WHAT TIME IS IT?!?" One of the men, a guy with sunglasses and a white shirt shouted. The other two shouted "SHOWTIME!" Logan shook a disapproving head at the small group.

"Like I said."

the guy with the sunglasses started rapping to a beat made by the other two. "Showtime, Showtime! Yo! I'm Remy Parker, in the place to be! Two pints o' Sam Adams, but I'm working one three! Those redcoats don't want it with me because I will pop Chicka pop these cops till I'm free!"

A man in a white and red prince-like outfit started rapping, while the guy in sunglasses, Remy, took his place and started beatboxing.

"Oui Oui, Mon Amie. Ja m'apple Prince Roman! The Lancelot of the revolutionary set. I came from afar just to say 'Bonsoir'! Tell the King 'Casse Toi'! Because who's the best? Ces't Moi!" Roman was replaced by a guy in similar princely attire, but it was green and black. He also donned a handlebar mustache and a white streak in his brown hair.

"Burrrah Burrrah! I am Remus Miriam! Up in it! Lovin' it! yes, I heard your mother say 'Come again?'" The two other guys replied with an "AY!" Remus continued. "Lock up your daughters and horses, of course, it's hard to have intercourse over four sets of corsets."

Remy and Roman both looked a little uncomfterble after that statement. Remy started again. "Wow! No more sex! Pour me another brew son! Let's raise a couple more to the REVOLUTION!" The last part was shouted in unison. Remy looked at Logan and a stunned Patton. 

"Well, if it isn't the prodigy of Princeton Collage?!" Roman said, talking about Logan. 

"Logan Barry!" Remus said after downing a shot of whisky.

"Give us a verse!" Remy invited. "Drop some knowledge!" 

Logan took a deep breath and started to rap. "Good luck with that: You are taking a stand. You spit. I'm going to sit. We'll see where we land!" This got boos from all three guys. 

"Gurl," Remy said, taking Logan's shoulder. "The revolutions imminent! What do you stand for?" Patton stepped forward to add his two-cents.

"If you stand for nothing, Lo, what will you fall for?" This got the attention of Remy, Roman, and Remus.

"Who are you?"

"Who are you?"

"Who are you?"

"Who is this kid?! What's he gonna do?!"

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