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Jean, still blushing, pulled off his shoes and shirt and climbed into bed. He laid there for awhile just thinking about earlier. Jaeger had struck again, and Marco had saved the day. He tossed and turned for awhile, but eventually fell asleep.

He woke up a little later than usual the next morning. Thomas and Connie were the only other people in the dorm, so he knew he was late.

"Shit..." He sprung up and threw on his uniform and straps. He did one last double take around him and he noticed his phone laying on the ground next to his bed. What if Marco texted him? What if he didn't?

Jean was a little taken back by his own thoughts. He thought, "That sounded gay. I'm not gay. I'm Jean."

Still, he wondered. He lunged for his phone and saw that Marco did in fact text him. Jean squealed a little and covered his mouth. Damn it! Get a hold of yourself!

He unlocked his phone.
"You have 4 unread messages.
>Good morning. :)
>Can i meet u at the cafeteria?
>Where are you?
>Class is about to start! >_< "

Jean already knew he was late for class. Although, he liked the idea of Marco checking on him. "That wasn't too gay, was it?" He shrugged and ran outside to class. He started to immediately look for Marco. He frantically searched the faces for a tall, freckled man.

And then a hand on his shoulder.
"Where have you been?! You had me so worried!" It was Marco. He looked tired yet more than happy to welcome Jean to the group.

Jean just shrugged and looked away carelessly.

"Well, c'mon then. Lets go." Marco turned around and walked towards a clearing wear all the other trainees were standing. They were in rows not arranged in any pattern. He followed quickly behind Marco and looked at all the students. Eren was standing in the middle poker-faced as if he was hiding something. Then again, isn't everyone?
Annie was in the row in front of him, same blank expression as usual. Reiner and Bertoldt were towering over her on each side. Sasha was trying to sneak a snack before anyone saw. Then there was Marco. He always seemed happy. But today was different. He seemed relieved and nervous at the same time.
Just before Commander Keith Shadis came, he found a spot that was right next to Marcos.

The lecture began. Keith went around to some of the trainees and yelled a question about their name and their past. Soon, he was interrogating Marco. Jean perked up and couldn't help but grin. Keith's raspy, thick voice soared above the noise of the outdoors.
"Alright, maggot! What's your name and what rock did you crawl out from?!"

Marco's voice wasn't shaky at all in his response.

"I am Marco Bodt, resident from Jinae Town, Wall Rose South District, sir!!" He seemed to be smiling yet slightly frightened by the volume of his voice.

Keith gave his response even louder.
"And why the hell would a scrawny little wimp like yourself join the military?!"

Marco's eyes lit up. "To join the Military Police and offer my life to the service of the King, sir!!"

Keith eased up and sarcastically nodded his head. "Alright kid."

He moved on to Connie, who couldn't salute and Sasha who just wanted to eat her potato.

Jean couldn't help but stare at Marco. He was so perfectly composed even in the face of pure terror. He would make a great soldier, he thought. He could never succumb to a titan with an attitude like that. Suddenly, Jean was jealous. He saw the passion and commitment in Marco's eyes. Jean stared openly at Marco's eyes. So... big... Jean couldn't help but notice the freckles that graced his cheeks. Marco glanced at Jean for half a second. Jean froze but Marco smiled at him with complete confidence. They both blushed and looked away. Marco knew what he wanted.

Jean started to wonder about what he wanted in life. He had only joined to be in the Military Police to earn the tight to live in the interior. Now, he knew Marco was going. That only made him more excited.

Jean looked back at Marco who was now staring at Armin, who kinda sounded like an eagle. Jean turned a bright red.

Marco had a passion. A sole purpose for living. A goal held so highly, he rarely ever was distressed. Jean wanted this passion. Jean wanted what Marco had.

Jean wanted Marco.


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