I messed up

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[[ Dekus Pov ]]

Conversation with kacchan🗣💗

kacchan🗣💗: i thought you wanted me to leave you alone.
Me: I'm so sorry Todorokis words got to me
kacchan🗣💗: you know , your words actually hurt this time around. How could you not think about my feelings?
Me: how couldn't you think of mine?..
Kacchan🗣💗: listen I'm so sorry about what happened before..
Me: I forgive you , but
kacchan🗣💗: ItS GoNnA tAkE soMe tIMe , how long would that be? I hate knowing your depressed.
* left on read *


why can't I just be good enough?

Suddenly a knock was at my door

I went and opened it

It was Mina

" heyyy midobabe "

" oh hey Minaaaa "

"  I heard you Bakugou and Todoroki at lunch , are you okay? "

" uh.. yeah... "

" you sure? "

Tears filled my eyes

" hey hunny , let's go sit down "

I began crying and she walked in my dorm with me and she closed and locked the door and we sat on my bed
( ayo you dirty minds better not think other )

" what's happened hunny "

" i- i upset kacchan , I didn't mean anything I said , yes I was mad at the moment but.. "

" but? "

" I can't be mad at the one I love most , no matter- "

I cover my mouth

i looked at Mina who's face was practically glowing with happiness

I just told the girl who make sure everyone gets what they wanted no matter what a secret I've never told anyone


" shh!! "


I gave a small smile

" he just makes me so happy.. even though he still causes pain for me.. "

" oh yeah , sorry continue on "

" I.. i don't know what to do "

" I mean let's go see him , I'll wait outside his dorm while you two talk it out? "

" that would be great! "

We got up

and she was texting someone

" who you texting? "

" your confessing right? "

" n-no I'm just apologizing "

" ... really?? "

" yeah why? "

" I kinda told the girls you were confessing , I'm so sorry "

" minaaa "

" I'm sorry "

" it's okay , let's just go "

When we arrived the girls were already there really excited

I knocked

No answer

it was unlocked?

I walked in and ...

I felt my heart crack

I saw him and kirishima getting at it


" i-.. sorry I'll come see you later... "

" d-deku! "

I walked out practically crying while running past Mina and those other girls

they looked in the room

that's the end for this chapter

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