Swan dive?

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[[ Dekus Pov ]]

It was the next morning..


he's still out ..

here's my chance , I'll see him once more.

I'm so sorry it has to be this way

I waited for him to head back to the dorm


[[ 3:30pm ]]

" bro it was the best night ever! It was so fun "
Kirishima said while walking In with the others

" it's sad the others didn't stay "

Mina said

I was sitting in the common area ..

I didn't know how to feel

" yeah but cleaning ur messes was the worst part "

Kacchan said

" oh hush! "
Yaomomo said

" hey deku! "

Uraraka said

" oh hey! "

" you okay? Why didn't you stay? "


" I felt kinda sick "

" oh , aww you okay? "

" yeah I am now "

" we're going back tonight if you wanna come! "

" I'll think about it "

" okay! "

Kacchan called me


" come here deku "

He said while standing there

I walked up to him

" are you okay- "

" yeah! It's okay I felt sick last night I'm sorry! "

" you should've said something! "

" I'm sorry! "

" whatever "

he said walking away


I better get things ready

I walked into my dorm

Got my notes ready..

I'm sorry mom.. kacchan.. all might


[[ 6:30 pm dinner time ]]

Everyone headed down to eat

I was crying

I was regretting everything

I didn't know how to feel anymore

I need kacchan.. Todoroki



I guess it's time


I walked out

I saw tsyuu and Uraraka talking

I walked away and saw everyone eating at the common area

I just left

" Midoriya? Where you going? "

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