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[[ 3rd Person Pov ]]

As Todoroki and Izuku reached UA
Todoroki tried to talk to izuku about his problems and why , but he just gave small answers and tried changing the conversation.

Once they finally reached UA Todoroki offered spending the night with Izuku

Izuku kindly declined and told Todoroki that he was tired and didn't want anyone to bother him as he was trying to sleep

Todoroki gave out a small laugh and told Izuku to be careful and if he needs someone he'll always be there.

They looked in the common area and found kaminari Mina Kirishima Uraraka and Momo talking

They decided to join in

[[ Minas Pov ]]

" so..tomorrow we make Bakugou and Deku eat lunch , by making them eat in the classroom? "

" yes! "
Kirishima says as he brings out a list

" the teachers will be here , at the staff room for a meeting. So Bakugou and Deku will be alone , and they could talk and try get their bond back "

Uraraka pipes up

" what if Bakugou walks out? "

I smiled

" We'll be waiting outside the door and if he tries to leave me and kiri will convince him to stay. "

I noticed Todoroki and Midoriya walking up to us

" so uhm anyways , Bakugous party will be a piece of cake! "

" Bakugous party? Weren't we- "

I shushed kaminari

" yeah the PARTY "
I said while looking back

He looked back and so did everyone else

" oh , hey Todoroki and Midoriya "

" hey guys! "
Midoriya said as he sat down

" so what were you guys talking about "

" Bakugous party "

" oh.."
Midoriya looked down

" I-I don't think I wanna go.. I don't wanna ruin his special day "

" nonsense! "

I said while going up to him

" your fight will end soon "

I said while looking at him

He gave a small smile

" thanks Mina "

He stretched

" I'll be heading up to my dorm now , goodnight guys! "

" it's only 10pm "

Kirishima said

" I'm really tired , but I'll see you guys tomorrow. Goodnight kirishima! And the rest of you "

Kirishima smiled

" goodnight midobro "

I smiled knowing he wasn't mad at kirishima still

" goodnight deku-kun! "


[[ Dekus POV ]]

I walked off and I saw kacchan heading to his room also


Why'd he have to be here now

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