Let me go

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[[ 3rd person Pov ]]

Mina practically runs into the room yelling at Bakugou

" what's your problem raccoon eyes?! "
Bakugou says as he's putting a shirt on

Kirishima was as red as his hair due to the feeling of embarrassment

" your the problem. "
Mina says as she throws her phone at him revealing a voice message that she recorded

" I can't be mad at the one I love most , no matter- "

Bakugou then grabs the phone

" what are you saying? "

Mina then shouts
" he loves you , you dumbass "

She grabbed her phone and walked off with the girls who were gonna go cheer up deku


[[ Bakugous POV ]]

the nerd...loves me?

can this day be messed up any longer

I looked at kirishima who was crying out of embarrassment

" i-I'll go-go now.. "

he said as he was getting his things

I couldn't say anything

" se-see you.. "

He said as he rushed out

" FUCK. "

I screamed as he closed the door



[[ Dekus Pov ]]

I'm so dumb

I walked back to my dorm

how could he ever love me or accept my apology..

but then again

I was only going for an apology

I didn't expect us..

I immediately teared up

I shouldn't of told Mina..

Yes it's your fault
Listen to Bakugou , take a swine dive.


that sounds peaceful


I wanna live until his birthday which is in 3 weeks

i don't know if I could go any longer then that

[[ a few minutes later ]]

I reached my dorm and the girls were already there

" hi? "

" Deku!? Are you okay "
Uraraka said as she was getting a bowl of popcorn ready

" Izuku hun , he's not worth it "

Mina says as she crosses her arms

" he's a douchebag anyways. "

" n-no he's not "

" what do you mean? "

She says as she looks up

" he lead you on just for kirishima "

She said as she got up

" i- i was only going to apologize.. "
I say as my face heated up

" still! you love him. "

" and he doesn't love me back. "

I say as I walk out of my dorm

" izuku! Please come back- "

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