Happy Sweet 16th Kacchan

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[[ Dekus Pov ]]
We all decided to start heading back at 5:30pm

just so we can go drop off some stuff then start decorating Yamomos house , since his birthday was tomorrow.

As we were leaving with a bunch of bags , we seen a little boy and he was crying

I walked up to him and asked him what was wrong

" i- I don't know where my parents went "
He said while looking up at me

" we can help you? "

" n-no I wouldn't wanna bother you "

He said while looking at my friends who were struggling to hold all the bags in their arms

" nonsense! "
Mina said while dropping her bags

" me and Midoriya will help you while the others haul the bags to the car and wait for us "

Kirishima looked at Mina

" what! That's like.. one..two..three..four..five..six..seven..eight..nine..ten! More bags for us to hold "

Mina turned around and gave him a glare

" i- i mean it'll be no problem "
He said while scratching his head

" I can make some of them float! " Uraraka said while piping up

" and I can grab some with my tape "

I smiled at them

" thanks guys , cmon little guy let's go find your parents "

I say while putting him on my shoulders

He laughed and said

" last place I saw them was there! "

He said while pointing at a toy store

Me and Mina ran towards the store hoping to find them

The little boy nodded his head as a no and we kept looking through the stores

We stayed for about 30 mins before Mina piped up

" mido , momo said we gotta go some commotion is happening at ua "

I looked at her and the kid jumped off my back running to his parents

" huh? "
I looked back

" oh you found your parents! "

The little boy grabbed his moms arms

" mommy! These two helped me find you "

She looked up and hugged me and Mina

" thank you so much! "

She said as she hugged us

" it was no problem, glad we could help "

I said

She pulled out some money to hand to us

" nono it's okay , we're not expecting a prize or anything just wanted to help "

" oh , okay makes my life easier, thank you again! "

She said as the little boy grabs her hands pointing towards a store

Me and Mina were smiling and felt accomplished


She said as she ran away


I said while dashing

[[ 3rd person Pov ]]

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