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[[ Dekus Pov ]]

As everyone left my dorm , I felt light , were things finally getting better?

No they aren't
Just give up


I'm just gonna go to sleep.


[ Morning ]

I got ready , I was debating on wearing the sweater or not , I didn't wanna seem rude and not wear it but I also don't wanna seem like I'm obsessing again..

Throw it away
it doesn't mean anything
it's just a sweater

.. just a sweater?


it's just a sweater

I say as putting it on , feeling that warm soft feeling again.

Wait what am I doing? I'm going to school. I have to wear a uniform

I say while giggling at myself

I take off the sweater and put on my uniform instead


[[ Bakugous POV ]]

I don't wanna attend class today , only because I'm scared..

I'm scared of hurting him again


Why do I care so much?.

he's just that pathetic loser I've always known.


come to think of it that icy hot bastard looked mad last night


I wonder-

* bonk! *

" ow... "

" watch out you- "

I looked down and it was mineta

" what? "

" oh I'm sorry Bakugou. " he said while getting up

" you better be "

" listen I don't wanna cause any trouble but , you gotta calm down with Midoriya. He doesn't seem to be himself at all anymore , ever since- "

" you shut up! "

" i-i didn't wanna- start anything "

" you don't know anything about him! "

I said while sparking up a explosion

" he's always gonna be that weak little bastard! "

" Bakugou- "


" k-kacchan? "

I turned around and saw deku

" d-deku? "

" who are you talking about? "

Hurt [[ Sad Deku AU ]]Where stories live. Discover now