its okay.

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[[ 1 week later + 3rd person Pov ]]

Bakugou is stable enough to walk around , he goes and checks on Deku almost everyday.

he has to take therapy classes through , due to them thinking he developed depression. He didn't , he was just worried for deku

He apologized to the security and the doctor

so did Todoroki , since he felt bad for lashing out like that.


[[ Bakugous POV ]]

" hey nerd. "


" wish you would wake up again.. "


I sat down beside him and grabbed his hand

" stay strong for me "

I got up to go and wash my hands
[[ Dekus Pov ]]


I'm still here?

... hmm.. I'm alone.

I woke up and felt .. nothing?

I had no pains besides my head feeling like it's gonna explode.

" is anyone here?.. "


" deku? "

" kacchan? "

I felt his arms wrap around me

" don't do that ever again.. "

" it's okay , I'm okay. I'm sorry for making you deal with all of this "

" ... you damn nerd. "

I let out a small laugh

" are you okay? "

" yeah I don't feel any sort of pain "

" I'll go get a doctor or nurse "

" okay "

He left and my mom immediately walked in

" izuku! "

She cried into my shoulders

" I'm so happy you woke up! "

" hi mom.. "

" are you okay?! "

" yeah I'm okay! "

" that's so wonderful. why would you do that hunny? "

" ... it's a long story mom. But all that matters is that I'm okay? "

" your right! But I want a lot of explanations! "

" yeah for sure mom. "

Todoroki, Bakugou and the doctor walked in

" how do you feel Midoriya? "

" I feel very okay "

" that's great , no pain? "

" besides a headache , nope! "

" your good to leave tomorrow, if that's okay? "

" it's wonderful! "

" alright we're gonna do a few tests and stuff to make sure "

" okay "

[[After a few tests ]]

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